Wednesday, October 08, 2014

SOUTHCOM Commander talks nightmare scenario.

via USNI News.
The head of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) warned an Ebola outbreak in Central America or the Caribbean could trigger a mass migration to the U.S. of people fleeing the disease and implied established Central American illegal trafficking networks could introduce the infected into the U.S., during remarks at a Tuesday panel on security issues in the Western Hemisphere at the National Defense University.
“If it comes to the Western Hemisphere, the countries that we’re talking about have almost no ability to deal with it — particularly in Haiti and Central America,” SOUTHCOM Commander, Marine Gen. John F. Kelly, said in response to a question of his near term concerns in the region.
“It will make the 68,000 unaccompanied minors look like a small problem.”

An Ebola outbreak could encourage the poor and increasingly desperate populations in Central American countries — like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador — to leave in droves.
“I think you’ve seen this so many times in the past, when in doubt, take off,” he said.
Though an ocean away from Ebola hotspots in Africa, a growing numbers of West Africans are using the illicit trafficking routes through Central America to enter the U.S. illegally and could introduce the disease in the U.S.
You want to see the US go crazy?

Let a mass immigration begin of Ebola stricken people begin.

If this happens you can bet that militarization of the border will be insisted upon.  This is the type of thing that will change the course of civilizations.

Sidenote:  Many are asking but no one is reporting or even talking about it in the mainstream media.  Children are being sickened by a supposedly harmless virus.  Is it connected with the illegal child immigrants?  The lack of chatter and the fact that no one is denying it makes my spider sense tingle.


  1. If that happened, the border would be militarized at the speed of local residents loading up, and declaring open season on Julio y Maria, y los hijos tambien. It would be cowboys & peones, and the only limiting factor would be supplies of ammunition. How long southbound warning shots would still be in vogue is an open question.

    Troop deployments would follow within hours, but for the same reason we still have soldiers in the Korean DMZ:
    Not to prevent the other side from invading, but to prevent our side from going hunting with no bag limit.

    1. It should but recall Judge Clay Jenkins (D) antics in Dallas Texas.
      Going unprotected into an Ebola infected apt to mingle, press flesh and hug the poor minority afflicted.
      Then with his two assistants went to a press conference and then home to his family wearing the same clothes.
      Jenkins is still insisting the infection is so low grade contagious it's almost like the common cold.
      These politician have to be fired.
      Our current crop of politicians are dirt dauber nest dumb.
      Any militia or civilian action against migrants would surely bring Uncle Sam's Army down on the citizen's on the side of the infected migrants.
      A change of leadership will have to ensue before any realistic defense against this event would happen.
      The bunch we got now are damned dumb to the point of dangerous.
      Not for them sadly but for us.

    2. Uncle Sam doesn't have an Army. Army boss told Congress months ago he could only count on 2 Brigades being ready. The U.S. Army and National Guard would not stand a chance against the U.S. public. How many actual trigger pullers are you going to find that would actually do something? Not many after you add up all the PT waivers, pregnancy profiles and misfits. The ones that are good-to-go soldiers in the Army? I think you would see some surprising internal leadership events happen inside the Army.

    3. i think you're spot on. the "new America" that is being pushed has a toe hold in the armed forces but has taken over...yet. this is turning interesting though. i say interesting because so many people have egg on their faces.

  2. The ready over the counter availability of anti biotics without Doctor Prescriptions is the killer there.
    The South and Central American's get a cold r fever and go down to the Mom and Pop shop and buy penicillin then take it till they feel better and stop, not killing the germ and breeding super bugs.
    Once the enterovirus is made super it then becomes a killer for the ones not used to it's strength, kinda like what the Europeans brought to the Native American's in reverse.
    Which this liberal "Ima sorry" administration would welcome as revenge for the down trodden and assuage their guilt trips.
    Once the Ebola gets loose there and the peons treat it's side effects of fever, bacteria infections with home doses of penicillin, it's curtains.
    A fence won't do, it gonna take an Army on actual patrol 24/7/365 to stop this.
    Perhaps even to terminate with extreme prejudice agenda.


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