Thursday, October 23, 2014

Terror attack in NY City today?

via CNN
A man charged at four New York police officers with a metal hatchet Thursday, hitting two of them at a time of high alert for authorities concerned they might be targeted in the United States and Canada.
The suspect was hiding behind a bus shelter as if he was waiting to attack the officers, according to a law enforcement official, who said it almost appeared as if he was stalking them.
He struck one officer in the right arm and another in the head, police Commissioner Bill Bratton said. The two officers who weren't hit then shot at and killed the attacker.
The law enforcement official identified the suspect as Zale H. Thompson, who had a criminal record in California and had been discharged from the Navy for misconduct, according to the source.
The police officer who was struck in the head remains in critical but stable condition.
Authorities are looking to see if the unprovoked attack, in the New York borough of Queens, is tied to recent calls by radicals to attack military and police officers, law enforcement officials say.
Supposedly this clown has postings that link him to ISIS and other Islamic extremist.

The world is burning friends.  Don't be fooled by those that are trying to tell you that all is well.  Its anything but.


  1. Gives the nut jobs impetuous to act up.

  2. I loved it when the CNN reporters stated matter of factually, "OFFICIALS SAY IT IS NOT ISLAMIC TERRORISM" then go on to list the assailant was a Muslim convert, his face book page was filled with Islamic scripture and he was frequenting terrorist sites.
    Lie to my face then sneak the truth in after.
    Hitch hikers guide to Islamic terrorism, Don't panic it's not terror.

  3. The perp made the statement about the US never having a serious internal revolt, stupid ast never studied History and never got the word on the War Between the States 1860-1865 much less the revolution.

  4. Don't forget someone will still be pissed that they shot a mentally disturbed man instead of taseing him.


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