Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Thank God for adult leadership at CENTCOM. HQMC was lobbying for a Sinjar rescue mission!?

via USA Today.
Until it was called off at the last minute, U.S. Marines prepared to land aircraft on Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq in August for one of the largest evacuation operations ever – the rescue of thousands of trapped refugees, the Marines' top officer disclosed.
"The plan was to pick everyone off the mountain," Gen. James Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, told USA TODAY in disclosing details for the complex and risky operation for for the first time. "It was going to be a 'round the clock operation.
"It would have been the largest evacuation that I can think of," Amos said. "It could have been very dangerous as well."
Read the whole thing.  It goes from talking about a dangerous, and extremely risky a legacy building article in a few short paragraphs.

My take on things?


I can't begin to imagine what a terrible cluster this would have become.  We've seen the SPMAGTF-CR evolve from a "Company Landing Team" sized ground component back up to an MEU sized Battalion Landing Team.

But even with a huge increase in trigger pullers this would have been a nightmare operation for aircrew and the grunts on the ground attempting to secure the area until the evac was completed.

A fixed landing area, surrounded on all sides by enemy forces?

Effective close air support flying from hundreds of miles away (assuming aircraft would have flown out of Baghdad)?

Expecting the enemy to rush forces into the area in an attempt to claim US scalps?

Light infantry effectively battling a heavy mechanized force (since ISIS captured modern artillery, M1A1 MBTs, MRAPs and armored personnel carriers)?

I say again.  Thank God CENTCOM didn't bite on this plan!  The death count would have numbered in the hundreds if not higher. 


  1. Reading about this evacuation reminded me of those scenes of people being evacuated from Vietnam in the last days of the war. This could have been a propaganda victory for ISIS.

    1. i thought the exact same thing!!! instead of the roof top of the American Embassy we'd be looking at a rescue from a mountain "rooftop".

      ISIS would have ate that shit up! but my biggest worry is what happens when they finally lay there hands on an active duty American serviceman...or God forbid...woman. if they capture a female they'll probably video tape her rape, torture and beheading.

      we're not ready for that but i bet its coming.

  2. Charlie would shoot down a Fast mover or Helo and then lay SAM traps for the follow on forces, they knew someone would be coming.
    Rule of combat, "never run towards an enemy who knows you are going to come, and keep coming" I visualize all those MANPADS ringing that mountain, I bet Hajji cursed when the US did not take the bait.

  3. HQMC was trolling for positive PR for MV-22s saving the day.... Agreed: thank goodness the CENTCOM has some adults in leadership positions.


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