Friday, October 03, 2014

The blond haired, blue eyed chick that went Muslim...

Sorry I read the Quran to learn abt terrorist beliefs but ended up converting to Islam b/c of what it said.

I'm still digesting this story.

I just don't know.

It does make me wonder if we might have a fight inside our own borders against terrorist sooner than I thought.

Read her article here.

Sidenote:  Don't get it twisted.  I'm not calling her a terrorist but (you have to read the article) she does as other Muslim's have and ISN'T fiercely pushing back against extremist in her new religion.  That is whats worrying...and if they're getting new converts....

Sidenote 1:  This also brings up another subject that I really didn't want to touch, but have to put out there...especially in light of the beheading in Oklahoma.  What about radicalization of Muslims in prison?  Could we be looking at the potential of not only worrying about released criminals re-offending but also being potential terrorists?  (Considering how the discussion goes this entire post might get deleted)


  1. Considering 25 % of Western Djihadis joining ISIS and other extremist groups in Syria are converts, the question you're asking needs indeed to be raised. In the case of this young woman, I think she's mostly a disturded individual having an identity crisis and seeking attention in real and online world … nothing new under the sun. People convert to a different religion everyday in the US, so she's not a case of being a potential terrorist suspect, or terrorist supporter … yet.
    On the other topic of muslims in prison, I know this is not gonna be very reassuring, but experience in Western European countries (UK, France, Belgium, Germany and others) has shown that prisons are the main recruitment ground there for djihadist terrorism. Petty teenage thiefs, easily influenced, often get in contact with organized recruitment networks within the prison system, starting indoctrination and gradually convincing them they're in the situation they're in because they're oppressed Muslims in a Western world that hates them.
    Strict(er) controls of Muslim clerics who are given access to prisonners is absolutely necessary in the US if you want to prevent that trend from getting stronger.

    1. i think you nailed it. she's seeking attention. she was versed enough (if her academic credentials are true) to be fully versed in the religion (i often wonder about converts...why did she pick Muslim? why not Buddhism? why not Catholicism? or the Jewish faith? with the exception of the Muslim religion they all preach peaceful existence, treating others fairly etc....somehow she ended up picking the one religion that has declared war on the West...)

      but putting that away, i'm really beginning to wonder about jailhouse converts. are federal officials keeping an eye on that potential threat?

    2. Guess some of them pick Islam because they consider it an "anti-system" religion ... Who's gonna give a shit if you convert from Presbyterian to Baptist ? or from Chabad-Lubavitch to Satmar ? nobody except your neighbors ... Same goes for Budhism ? you shrug your shoulders and say "whatever"... Now when a Christian converts to Islam, especially a woman, that can already the beginning of a political statement and is gonna carry more attention from everywhere ... it's basically a move made by identity seeking "attention" junkies. But as far as I'm concerned, unless, she gets into the wrong company, she's totally harmless ... Might very well change her mind in a year or so ... saying Islam exploits women, and get attention again for that statement.
      Now regarding the jailhouse converts, that's an entirely different story. I'm not sure federal officials are aware enough of the danger, because these converts already have proven their abilitily to use violence for personal gain mostly. If you replace that by an ideology which is gonna allow them to follow up on their violent behaviour, but giving them a cause worth fighting and killing for, you get a very dangerous mixture.
      The difficulty for officials resides in the "opacity" of prison conversions ... Lots of people talking in prison of course, about all subjects, but difficult to filter out the background noise from the relevant info ... that's why djihadis picked this as a priviledged recruitment ground. As I said, the most effective way, is to control who has access to the prisonners. Once you have muslim chaplains in a prison, you need to be sure about the message he's gonna convey. That's a problem ... the other problem is the self-teaching of muslim religion by inmates themselves getting access to all sorts of BS they get online or through various channels. It's more difficult to control as it's not official. Overall, it is a real threat, and difficult to control.

    3. Seeks attention, gets female genital modification instead.

  2. What I have to say about the issue:
    1. There is an interesting feature in Russian army’s routine, when some new recruit from Northern Caucasus denied to clean toilets or to wash floors because of “Muslim being”. If a sergeant carry’s a Quran and ask to show where it is written the restriction for Muslim men to wash floors and clean up toilets. The Muslims begins to mumble and finds nothing in Quran about the issue….And I see in that girl the same – she write no about the Islam as such, she presents herself against Islam, talking about retweets, her hairs and tattoos – she resolves her own routine goals using popular image .
    2. I doubt about her science knowledge and approach according to Islam – a someone with science knowledge anyhow says about different types of Islam (at least), Islam in context of geopolitical issues, Islamic Reformation and so on (Islam is a very reach and interesting issue for science discussion). I’ve found no marks of above said approach in her texts: it looks like @Master’s degree in International Security with a focus on terrorism and the Middle East@ is just a part of her defiant image.
    3. And it looks like she tries to defend all things about Islam, including ISIS. It is not a science-based approach – ISIS is more political then religious issue. But the owner of “master degree” said nothing about this.

  3. Ahh yes, Religious Conversion. The most controversial of topics in the world ever since religion was invented. And yes, i lay special stress on the world "invented". All religions.

    This is just one "average citizen" who converted. Nothing to worry about. I will only worry when an Emperor or the "holder of all power" decides one fine day that the entire land he surveys must convert. Like a Roman Emperor. Imagine one day you wake up to find that its not Mars, Ceres, Jupitor you are supposed to worship but this new upstart/new kid on the block Jesus Christ. And damn you if you dont worship him.

    Like I said before, religious conversion is a very personal and controversial conversation. No matter how politically correct you try to be you are bound to hurt someones feelings. Take it from a person whose ancestors did convert from Hinduism to Sikhism in the not so long ago past.

    1. one difference being that if you're a Muslim and you convert to another religion, you're being guilty of "apostasy" for which the penalty according to a muslim hadith is death (for men) or life in prison (for women) ... so examples about what to worry and what not are multiple, don't just look for squelettons in Western nations closets ! Take it from a person whose ancestors have suffered more than others from religious intelorance.

  4. Sarabvir you nailed it religions are an invention and most often than not designed to subjugate people and legitimise powers ruling them. Irony is that few religous hot heads really know anything about their religion.

    1. True, thats why Religion is one of the most referred to topics when it comes to ones own Drawing Room and a taboo when it comes to the public life......unless you are a crafty politician. Damn you Politicians....we are the source of your evil.

  5. @ Solomon, please allow me a brief Historical overview:

    During the last years of the Byzantine Empire, there was a very rich Byzantine official called "Notaras". Notaras, for his own personal benefit reasons supported the (traitorous) idea of a collaboration with the Ottomans than cooperating with the Catholic West led by the Pope. He argued that he prefered the Ottoman turban rather than the Pope's tiara. When, a few years later, after siege and vigorous battles on 1453 the Ottomans conquered Constantinople (later renamed as "Istanbul" by the Ottomans - in fact the word is Greek and means "heading to the great City"), Notaras who managed to survive the massacres that followed the fall of Constantinople, ran to pay his respects & submission to the Ottomans he prefered so much. In response, the Ottomans demanded as a token of submission to offer his young son & his wife to become sex slaves in the harems of the Sultan. That was the exact moment Notaras actualy realized what "Ottoman" really means and ofcourse he refused to offer his young son & his wife to become sex slaves in the harems of the Sultan. As result, he and his family was brutaly raped, tortured and finaly beheaded as result of denial on Sultan's desires.

    Now, lets come back to date and talk about this "blond haired, blue eyed chick" that went Muslim. She reminds me the "Notaras" example. So I say let her go and meet her beloved ISIS Jihadists. Let her have some fun with them. Let her understand the true meaning of Islam and let her feel how ISIS militants interpret Quran as they like it.

  6. Also, lets approach this conversation keeping in our mind that almost every religion out there has a few skeletons on their closet...a little massacre here...a genocide there.

    Though every now and then I happen to find a Indonisian or Malay name where the name is Vedic but the person is actually following Islam, as is the case with this lady here.

  7. Man, bring her to my bed and I will convert her back in a few days.
    For real, this looks like a att whore.

    1. Andre....will you be converting her into Catholic or Protestant....hahaha......i am sorry but this had to be said :D

  8. It's understandable. Maybe she just converts to have an excuse to cover her face with a Gurkha.

    1. Hmmm are we speaking of those British super soldiers from Nepal or a pickle?

    2. Burka not Ghurka... but... you know... cover her face with a Ghurka... this is something from Ron Jeremy departament.

    3. SHAS: I just had that vision of her face covered with a Ghurka and the devil took over LOL

  9. Sol, your second word in the sentence explained the rest..."BLOND".
    While privileged, white, free, fat dumb and happy and actually NOT living in a seriously Muslim environment she feels Islam is the bee's knee's.
    If she were in Syria, Iraq, any of the Stan's she might just feel differently....if she were allowed to feel anything but her husbands lash that is.
    I wonder....has she heard of or had her Islamic mandated female genital mutilation clitorectomy yet?

    Prisons? To be a member of a group is safety in prison, to join a strong gang or religion that protects it's own is paramount to survival without coming out maimed and gang raped into homosexual lifestyle.
    Hell yes, there are danger of Islamic conversions in prison.

  10. Well if Chinese/Mongoloid featured people can be muslim, Dravidian featured people can be muslim, African featured people can be muslim, Indic origin people can be muslim.....why cant a white person ?

    If its attention she wants.....tell her Cassius Clay beat her to it more than 40 years back. Off course his intention was not the same as hers i am sure. If white people can "import" christianity from the middle east, they can "import" the other two as well. This is one of them.

    Damn, there is just no way this conversation can happen without a snide remark here or a hurt feeling there.

    1. i used the term, blond haired blue eyed because she used it as her "grab line" in her article. i'm well aware of the fact that the Muslim faith is made up of all ethnic and racial persuasions .... if we're gonna go down the race road then lets be factual. most of the prison population that is called Muslim is made up of African Americans.

      so the threat isn't just white people that might convert but also blacks, browns, reds and whatever color is correct for asian and island people.

      now that we have that out of the way can we continue?

  11. The "conversion" will disappear when she meets a traditional Muslim man, who tells her to shut up, cover herself, and get the hell off the internet, before he starts beating her, as is his right.

    Then when she bails on both, she'll be surprised that most Muslims view her as an apostate worthy of stoning, and be shocked and dismayed to find out that about a billion people take that stuff seriously, not just a phase where you give your parents the finger.

    She's simply a lost little idiot. Forty years ago, she'd have been in the Manson Family, for the same reasons.

    1. After she would have sex four time a day, she would happily cover whatever told to and give birth to many children, and live happily thereafter.

      All this feminist crap is a bs, sex and children this is the only thing they want, and this is exactly that islam is giving to them. Islam and non islam women fit to each other very well.

  12. Thats a nice opportunity for the "blond haired, blue eyed chick" who went muslim, to offer herself body & soul and have a first hand amazing opportunity to explore some ISIS style exotic middle eastern delights. Who knows? Maybe the ISIS militants who are used for long time on goat sex might disregard this newcomer blonde - and that would be the funny part.

    To get back to serious reality, according to the Independent Human Rights Commission (announced Friday Oct 3rd 2014) approx 2000 young girls and women (ages from 8 to 30) are held as prisoners in Mosul area by ISIS and put up for sale for 150 US dollards each, to become sex slaves for ISIS members.


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