Wednesday, October 08, 2014

The Ebola patient in Dallas has died.

He is dead.

While I have sympathy for his family, the reality is much more stark.  

This man brought a deadly infection into the United States and it is entirely possible that this is only the first of many people that will die.  Dallas County and City officials were barely able to deal with one patient.  What happens if 10 more suddenly start showing symptoms?

This first act is over.  The rest of the play goes on.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thomas Duncan, selfish lying bastard, RIH

    I hope it was painful. Had he lived, he'd have gotten and merited the ass-end of 25 years in a Liberian prison, at minimum. Having robbed society of delivering that reward, and for putting terror, panic, and probably death itself, into a megalopolis of strangers by his selfish actions, I can only hope there's an afterlife for him to get the punishment he's properly owed, just for that.

    Personally, I wish it were possible to resurrect him a few more times, and kill him again, painfully, each time.
    He had that much coming.


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