Friday, October 10, 2014

The Ebola patients apt was a cesspool of disease...

“When we entered the room, you could tell it was a frantic whirlwind to keep this man alive,” company owner Erick McCallum told The Dallas Morning News. “It was very clear they were working very hard and very diligently.”
McCallum and his hazardous-materials cleaning crew were called in to help at the hospital because of their experience last week cleaning the Vickery Meadow apartment where Duncan was staying when he fell ill.
They’ve gotten more attention than they bargained for, not all of it positive. Some longtime clients are now keeping their distance, and one employee was told to stay home from his second job.
At the hospital cleanup, workers packed all the disposable items Duncan might have touched into several 55-gallon drums: bedsheets, an air-chamber mattress and protective suits scattered around the room in the anxious moments preceding Duncan’s death.
“There’s no time for picking up gowns,” McCallum said. “You’ve got to work on the issue at hand, protecting yourself at the same time.”

Duncan’s body had already been removed and was to be cremated to eliminate any possibility that the disease could spread. The crew also used special chemicals to decontaminate hard surfaces in his room and those surrounding it.
“We wanted to make sure we did right for our country and make sure this is eradicated and out of here — properly,” McCallum said.
The trash bins were sealed and sent to an undisclosed location to be incinerated by another company, he said.
Read the entire article.  Its clear that its another attempt to calm the public but the reality is a bit more stark.

"A whirlwind to keep this man alive"?

And the Dallas County Judge walked into that apt in regular clothes that he wore to a press conference and then back home to his family?

This was an immigrant family that can be assumed to have maintained touch with some of the cultural norms of their native home...Liberia?  And we're suppose to be confident that this disease hasn't spread?

I don't fucking think so.

I believe act 3 is soon to open.  Today is Friday so I expect a late news dump.  Don't be surprised if we hear confirmation of another case. 


  1. Well the deputy came back clear so that is positive for now at least.

  2. 'And one employee was told to stay home from his second job'
    We have infection

    How long until Sam Adams, meat packer is told to stay home, because Samantha Adams, his wife / daughter /sister is a nurse who's hospital has had an infected? Or hasn't?

    1. As the Marines of the old Corps used to say, "There it is, There it is."

    2. Follow up and extrapolating on the illuminating words you typed.
      A Major warehouse and shipping/trucking or rail company gets an suspected/infected and is Boycotted to a stop, groceries and other items come to a drop dead halt.
      A fuel distribution center gets a susfected ( I invented a new word!) and fuel supplies shipments halt bringing everything down with it.
      A Police force would become unable to Police if just one Policeman came down susfected.
      Damn, TrT you really know how to scare the shit out of a fellow!

    3. I like susfected :)

      I still think the chance of this going really really bad is pretty slim, but the effects of it going a little bit bad could be epic.

      I didnt think of the police angle
      How do you arrest someone who is genuinely terrified that you are infected?
      If you trusted the person you are trying to arrest, I suppose they could drive their own car to the police station, but are they going to enter a cell with a guy coughing who looks a bit feverish?
      I share the hosts pretty poor opinion of the local LEO, but I'm not sure many of them would willingly lock a suspect in cells with a susfect.
      Or for that matter arrest a susfect.
      I could see a lot it "its coming right for us"

      You can bet your bottom dollar there will be a whole host of prisoners launching spurious tax payer funded appeals and law suits about how they deserve to be released and given free money for the ebola risk they faced.

      "Damn, TrT you really know how to scare the shit out of a fellow!"
      You made it even worser!

      And thats before an ebola carrier actually does sneeze in an ice cream factory.

  3. Closest thing to a zombie outbreak we can get, not the undead but the almost dead and highly infectious for the stupid, careless or unsuspecting.
    In the Zombie movies it takes a bite and the bodies are dangerous unless disposed of carefully, closer to 28 days later except the infected are not easy to spot until they have long since become communicable.
    A normal appearing Joe walking the street or that sweet young thang at the bar could be the angel of death and you would never know until they began to show symptoms.
    Have I noticed changes? yes, the nurses at the Doctor Office I visit use hand held temperature sensors now and wear gloves at first meeting.
    This is just one confirmed patient who did die and the effects are mind numbingly slow as far as containment is done. Still five steps behind the outbreak and fiddle fucking around like it's the last flu epidemic which did not materialize.
    This quote from the King book "The Stand" comes to mind, it says it all, "This wasn't an act of God, this was an act of pure Human fuckery."
    >Steven King The Stand.<
    Act three will be the CYA of everyone with an Ebola infected and hiding bodies and victims as well as any contact with them for their own politics, business and for pure human fuckery.
    Then when the number of dead are too great to hide, as the General said in the movie, "Body Dumps?" then the shit will hit the fan.
    I expect act three will be known as the good old days.

  4. Hey Sol I have been putting off hazmat training, but I'm thinking since the Feds and the state pays everything for me to fly some where and take it I just might. Might get some nice new toys with the training.

    I'm sure your state offers the same for law enforcement, but no one ever promotes them to everyday patrol officers. Look up

    With all the free classes and goodies they give officers that take these courses it wouldn't be bad to be a resurve deputy or officer.

    1. A Rain suit, plastic poncho, hat, hood, rubber boots, duck tape and a face shield, HEPA filter mask with rubber gloves and lots of bleach along with a hand pumped garden sprayer.
      Haz Mat training means you might get drafted by conscription to clean up and dispose of plague victims.
      Don't do it.

  5. True, they would have my name then.


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