Thursday, October 02, 2014

The new issue with the Ebola patients' family in Dallas! UPDATE.

UPDATE:  NBC News is stating that a freelance journalist has been diagnosed with Ebola in Liberia and will be flown back home for treatment.  Additionally Nancy Sniderman, NBC's Chief Medical Correspondant, is now under observation for 21 days.  They don't state if she will remain in Liberia or will be flown back to the US. 

Reports are coming out that the order by Dallas officials to have the family of the Ebola patient remain at home is already running into trouble.

According to the report...

1.  The family is pissed because they're being told to live in a house that IS CONTAMINATED!  The family is asking what to do with the patients clothing, bedding etc...They want to know if the house needs to be washed in bleach etc.

2.  The family only had enough food stores for 1 (One) day.  They made a call to the Sheriff's Dept to have food brought over.  Now the Red Cross is making deliveries everyday.

3.  A company is being brought in to decon the house.

4.  The number of potential contacts has increased from 80 to no between 80 to 100.

This situation is being rolled out slowly.  Since this has begun we have heard no good news...only bad.  Additionally the Ebola patient is being criticized for leaving the country AND lying on forms meant to contain the virus.

Long story short, this guy lied to get to America to spread this disease.  I don't care if it was done by accident.  Liberia should punish him after we get our turn.  25 years in prison if he survives should be sufficient.


  1. So.... what precautions you guys at america are taking?

    1. none. just watching authorities. well thats not quite true but the people that "get it" are already doing what i'm doing and the all is well people can pound sand. i'm set just topping off. if nothing happens then in case of wildfire, hurricanes, etc...i'm ready. an outbreak is just another scenario that FEMA tells citizens to be ready for. everyone forgets that we've been thru a mini one of these with anthrax. now we're bieng hit with a child virus thats killing kids and ebola in dallas. only a fool wouldn't be concerned.

  2. The family is absolutely right.
    Correct procedure would be to quarantine them in someplace that isn't full of contaminated waste.

    Looking them inside a known infected plague house virtually guarantees they're all going to become symptomatic.
    This is manslaughter by depraved indifference.

  3. "The family only had enough food stores for 1 (One) day. They made a call to the Sheriff's Dept to have food brought over. Now the Red Cross is making deliveries everyday."

    Oh, but according to "normal people", only crazy survivalist have more than a days worth of provisions stockpiled. After all, nothing bad will happen right?

    Now imagine the resources it would take to get food and provisions to ten thousand people in lockdown, or a million. Not feasible IMO.

    Maybe its a good idea to not listen to those with only 1-3 days worth of food in their house, probably because from my experience, they know fuck all about anything.

    1. spot on! if you watched Katrina strike New Orleans then you would understand. if you've ever seen bad things happen then you understand. IF YOU WATCH HOW INEFFICIENT OUR GOVT IS then you understand....besides. why would a man trust another man to feed and take care of his family? that sounds like a Master/Slave relationship...and i'm no man's servant...or peasant.


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