Monday, October 13, 2014

The President of the US calls America a "Muslim" country.

Read the story here.

I am in shock.

I'm punching walls, pissed as fuck and can't see straight.  I have never agreed with his policies but thought his critics had gone too far when they described him as a closet "Muslim".

I guess I was wrong.  But Jerusalem Online said it best when they said this...
In reality the US has one of the smallest percentages of Muslims of any Western country. The number of Muslims in the US is approximately 4.5 million, 1.5% of the population, one of the smallest minorities in the US. Since there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the world Muslim population. By comparison there are between approximately 6 million Jews in the US, who account for approximately a third of the world's Jewish population. Whereas many Americans regard it as a society based on "Judeo-Christian values", it is doubtful if there is one sane American who would define it as a Jewish country.
The President has been called smart but not politically savvy.  But this?  Did he really believe that this wouldn't reach the US?

And if he did but doesn't care what does that tell us?


  1. He was speaking without his teleprompter again, only Joe Biden is worse when speaking off the cuff.
    No Muslim considers the US a Muslim country why should he?
    because it just popped into his head and shot out his mouth.


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