Friday, October 10, 2014

This shit is fucking insulting!

MONROVIA, LIBERIA – OCTOBER 09: A health worker takes the temperature of U.S. Marines arriving to take part in Operation United Assistance on October 9, 2014 near Monrovia, Liberia. Some 90 Marines landed on KC-130 transport planes and MV-22 Ospreys to support the American effort to contain the Ebola epidemic. The Ospreys, which can land vertically like helicopters, will transport U.S. troops and supplies as they build 17 Ebola treatment centers around Liberia. U.S. President Barack Obama has committed up to 4,000 troops in West Africa to combat the disease. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Forgive me but I have to rant.

This person in Liberia is taking the time to check the temperature of US Marines going to help HER GOD FORSAKEN COUNTRY?

She should be out in the countryside helping her own countrymen, instead she and the idiots appointed above her are playing the usual games.


This is exhibit 1 on why this mission will fail.  Instead of using scarce resources to work the problem they're caught up in bureaucratic bullshit.  This is another example of why the US military working with NGOs and foreign governments is an utter waste of time.  The military works to solve problems (or kill people!) and the NGO/Bureaucrats seek to claim credit or show they're in charge.


  1. Getting a base line of average temperatures for incoming Marines, after 30 days they will be checked again and after say a 90 day deployment check again to find out a mean average so they can extrapolate and say who may or may not be infected.
    I do the same (temperature, heart rate, weight and coat condition) on a monthly basis with my dogs and horses so I know going in to a season change where they are health wise. Planning for more hay vs feed, what feed and parasite protection, bedding and such.
    The Marines are on the new liberal democrats view of the right war and mission, helping folks die from ebola.
    This is their idea of a military reason to exist.
    Mercy missions, humanitarian duties, not war fighting or defense not military missions at all.
    These clowns will dump force preservation, training and waste military power for agenda's and events not covered in the Mission statement. For an outbreak of Ebola for Crixus sake when the job belongs the UN medical community.
    Soon Policing Global warming will be the main Mission statement.
    Hell, hire contractors and send volunteer do gooders from the world medical community (if any are that damn dumb) and let the Marines be Marines.
    QUERY: Is the "health worker" a Corpsman/Medic?
    If not then she is a possible infected/suspected and needs to be elsewhere.
    Ain't there a war or a southern border that could see better use for these Marines?
    I thought so.

    1. US Navy Medical Personnel will establish baselines and determine whether a person is healthy enough to go on a mission.


      this is pure bullshit.

    2. Just showboating for political statements "See we are doing something" most likely.
      Could be arranged just for the reporters.

    3. To be fair to them the situation will be the same for every aid worker arriving, these workers will have orders to check everyone who comes in or out and don't know where they have been. We both know that they were checked before they went in but the chances are the Liberiannnurses probably don't know a huge amount about the Marines, in their eyes they are just more aid workers.

    4. to be fair to them their country is collapsing all around them and they're taking the time to check US Marines that are arriving to help them? really? seriously? that's bullshit and you know it. she should get herself to one of those hospitals and help the sick.

      the reality of this? they're not doing all they can to help themselves and yet we're suppose to ride to the rescue again.

      Where are the other African nations? where is the UN? where is Europe? China? Russia? no. it falls to the same cast of characters. the US is the main body. the UK will provide the bulk of the support...and then Canada and Australia will fill the gaps.

      same shit, different part of the planet.

    5. Bejeebus, I recall being rapidly deployed to WestPac and getting thirteen shots along with every man in my unit in a long line of bare chested agony, men fell out right and left and were vaccinated/inoculated on the spot.
      Each man went through a medical procedure determining who, what when and where and how many.
      We started Malaria pills one each Monday of each week.
      Given a mount out set of cards for body, sea bags and gear.
      Issued a Geneva conventions card and classes on the subject.
      By then we were already a couple of thousand miles from land and traveling fast, Haze gray and underway.
      Flying this gigantic Jolly Roger flag.

      Men who did not make it back to ship in time for the departure flew in on CoDs all week long.

  2. Even better:
    So they find someone with an elevated temp.

    They're going to send them BACK?!?

    "De bass mans say I gotta take de temp'rature, mon"

  3. Liberia (and the adjacent countrys) have any terrorist activity?

    1. they were in the process of recovering from a civil war but it doesn't matter. we're looking at three nations that are a couple of weeks away from being failed states due to disease.

      a civil war will look like the good ole days. the problem? we're about to spend millions of dollars to rebuild countries instead of taking care of our own.

    2. About the liberia civil war :
      Check this out if you can. ( NSFW )

      You probably think im doing some kind of promoting campaing to vice, i swear to you i'm not!

    3. They aren't quite done being destroyed and yet here we are attempting to rebuild.
      Containment and let the fire burn itself out is the only option.
      Not rebuilding before the fire is out.

  4. Military protecting innocent form lethal threat -- semper fi.

  5. I am more worried seeing them in that photo with no rifle slung. Disturbing.

    1. I was curious about the same thing: where are their weapons? and dont tell me they're going there without weapons...

      (I mean, fuck, aren't all marines supposed to be riflemen???)

    2. Weapons are most likely in a giant container box.
      Those who have jobs as trigger pullers will be armed, those not trigger pullers will not be armed.
      I bet these Marines just stepped off a civilian airliner and on a civilian airport tarmac contracted for the delivery and as we all know...firearms are prohibited.

  6. Did the General Amos attend a correspondence version of TBS?

    1. i didn't even know there was a correspondence version! it shows what a complete fraud he is. the real Marines are starting to step forward to make sure that this man's destruction of the Corps is known and his history isn't allowed to be white washed.

    2. I think it is hilarious/sad at the same time, on one hand holy crap, no company grade officer would be respected nowadays if he took a correspondence course, on the other hand its funny that someone thought you could teach basic rifle platoon commander skills in TBS. This makes me wonder if he has ever spent more than a week in the field? I truly do hope so, but I know that outside of the FAC world and a handful of other places, TBS is where the aviators get their field experience....

    3. I imagine for most Officers not Infantry dedicated, field tactics are OJT.
      Hope for a good Gunny and a handful of great Sgt's.


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