Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Warning! Not Safe For Work! Is this what "Women in the Infantry" crowd want for America's daughters?

I've called them animals.

I will never publicly speak my true feelings about the "radical" Muslims that are rampaging thru the Middle East.

What I will continue to harp on...is this simple fact.  War is barbaric.  Do we really want to subject America's daughters to this?  Are we really ready as a society to accept the possibility of this happening to one of our own?

Women in the Infantry is an awesome campaign slogan.  It excites feminists, makes lesbians wet themselves and the liberal elite can claim that they're fighting for equality.

The reality is much more harsh.  Busted knees, a bad back, sore shoulders, aches when it rains---and even sometimes when you wake, are all by products of the life style...and that's if you don't go to war.

If there is one issue where cold facts and not wishful thinking MUST take precedence then its this one.  Women are NOT physically designed to participate in infantry action as its currently conducted.  In the future?  Maybe.  But not now.