Thursday, October 02, 2014

Weird Question. Why is the President of the United States protected by Law Enforcement instead of the Military?

You've all heard about the Army Veteran that jumped the fence at the White House and made it inside.

The question is this.

Why is the President of the United States protected by Law Enforcement instead of the military?

Consider.  We're living in an age of terrorism.  We have seen a complex terrorist attack in Mumbai and we can expect one in a major Western city.  Perhaps even Washington and perhaps against the White House. 

So the Marine Security Force Regiment could and should be responsible for protecting the grounds of the White House.  But what about the President's personal security detail?

Again, think about reacting to a sophisticated terrorist attack when the President is away from the White House...maybe even traveling abroad.  The Secret Service might be good but there is no way that they could equal the skill set of SOCOM.  And if the President is hit with a complex terrorist attack then you would want skilled, experienced combat troops defending him.  That means maybe detailing a Special Forces A-Team or two to the task.  Have the mission last for a 4 year term, make it hardship duty with extra pay and staff as needed.

This incident has shown me one thing.

The Secret Service isn't ready to deal with some of the real savages that walk this earth...political correctness doesn't matter one bit when it comes to combat and the US can't afford the shock of losing a President...even one that isn't very good.


  1. I dunno.
    Let's run that idea by Anwar Sadat.
    He'd probably note that keeping the leader of the country a bit removed from the "protection" of the military isn't a bad thing. We've never had a coup. Why screw with the recipe?

    There's nothing wrong with having the Secret Service continue to do this.
    Just as long as that detail isn't run by an assclown, and staffed by retards.

    1. That's the issue. The SS answers to the President, and nobody else. Replacing them with military guards would make a coup attempt more likely.

      As for the assclowns, I find it interesting that they can't meet proper staffing levels because so many experienced agents have quit during Obama's time in office. Guess he's getting the SS he deserves.

  2. since those "incidents" happened 2-3 times in a very short period, i guess they're basically telling him "it's time to step down"

    and he doesn't seem to get it....

  3. I would think for their dignitary protection detail they would recruit from the special forces community, and if they have SRT teams that those guys would be either trained by or train along side the SF community.
    The big question as far as a terrorist attack is if the command and control is there to coordinate with the 20 or more law enforcement agencies that are in D.C. area. This is where SOCOM would be better at handling a large crisis. The have been dealing with crisis everyday for how long now and in the civilian sector it would be wonderful to go through a large crisis training once every few years.
    Maybe they need to hand off their investigative side to the FBI stay civilian and focus solely on dignitary protection. Then all the training budget goes for just what is needed for that mission instead of being split between the two missions they have now. As of now they can be very selective and pick the best from both civilian and military. The thing is with being a federal government entity how much does politics and political correctness play in who gets hired and for what position? Are they hiring or recruiting the best people for the job they need to preform?
    As far as the stuff that has been going on lately how much of it is a lack of leadership or a dip in morale. I know in their positions it shouldn't come into play, but being law enforcement and considering the President in every incident he has interjected himself in has sided against law enforcement could that be at play as well?

  4. I was actually thinking the exact same thing today.

  5. I think keeping it LE is a good idea given the number of other LE agencies the Secret Service has to interact with, especially for trips. I've had 2 interactions with the Secret Service (first protecting then candidate Obama in 08, the second protecting the First lady in 12), in both cases they were Campus Police, City Police, County Sheriff, State Troopers, SBI, and the TSA (from the local airport, they were operating the metal detectors under Secret Service supervision). So I think having them be able to speak 'cop' is helpful for interagency operations. Even when at the WH you've got half a dozen LE agencies they've got to coordinate with.

    I will say though I noticed a massive decline in security from by 2 interactions. First interaction the TSA immediately handed me over to a uniformed Secret Service Agent, he then did a full pat down and had me wait by the Special Agent who "watched" me while he went to get the K9 unit to sniff my chair. I didn't mind at all, I was an undergrad security studies minor and though it was interesting as hell.

    4 years later, same thing except my crippled status somehow landed me on the 'vip' line since the volunteers were a mess this time. The metal detector wasn't operated by TSA here, but a uniformed overweight Secret Service Agent who literally waved me though security after checking to see I didn't have a backpack on my chair. No pat down, no dog. Maybe it was because I looked extra retarded that day (I had just rolled out of bed and looked like a mess). After clearing security OFA (who are a bunch of fucking idiots who I nearly threatened to sue for violating the ADA when they separated me from my friends) tried to put me right next to the stage within 15 feet of the First Lady.

    I definitely think reform is needed at the agency, I personally would have selected Bill McRaven as the new Director. They need an outsider to reform the agency but that person needs major credibility. And doesn't SOCOM and JSOC assist the Secret Service with major events? I remember reading somewhere that Delta was augmenting security at one of Bush's inaugurations.

  6. Obama is a democrat, democrats do not respect nor trust the military. Recall their preaching American veterans are potential terrorist?
    Remember the coffee cup salute?
    I'm surprised the crew of Marine One and Air force One aren't civilians.
    Police don't take the oath of allegiance to the constitution, Obama and the democrats don't believe in the constitution, the military takes and oath to defend the constitution they hate and scorn.
    They fear the constitution and the military there fore the Police guard the POTUS.
    The Secret service are appointed according to political reliability not job qualifications or sense of duty.
    The leader gets who he wishes to lead and he leads the ones he trust politically.
    The leader leads those who resemble him, if they are good he looks bad, if they are bad he looks good.
    Even if they are just clowns with a gun.


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