Thursday, October 09, 2014

We're sneaking a Divison (-) into Africa...

Latest news reports indicate that a USMC SPMAGTF-CR will be sent to the infected countries in Africa.  Since its setup in the old configuration that means 100 grunts along with all the pilots and support personnel assigned to the wing.

But what has me scratching my head is that we were told that the 101st Airborne would be relieving them in place.

4,000 personnel...that's about the size of an Army Brigade, composed of medics/Corpsmen and construction engineers are heading to the region now.  The 101st will be providing logistical support and security (I'm assuming...reports are not clear).

That means that we're looking at deploying a Division (-) to the region by stealth.  Expect AFRICOM to want to plus up security since it appears that one to three of the affected countries might collapse and we're looking at nation building in Africa.


First the Middle East and now Africa.

Can we please take a break from saving the world and for once concentrate on saving ourselves?


  1. So, where in Africa exactly?
    And I really think no one should go to Africa. Looks way worse than the middle east.

  2. with China taking almost all natural resources and effectively colonizing Africa, sending US troops into this continent is an interesting development.
    Maybe is tit is not so much about saving Ebola people but something much more lucrative...

    1. That would be my suspicion. If ebola kills 8/10s of the local population, you can be that China will be in there to clean up and expropriate their resources pronto.

      The 'humanitarian mission' then becomes much like a game of 'Go'. With each side 'claiming' areas that happen to be resource-important.


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