Monday, October 13, 2014

We're witnessing a slow motion societal medical emergency.

Listening to the news with one ear and the talk is of the briefing with the President and the CDC directors statement about the Nurse not following proper procedure when she dealt with the "index" patient.

What brought on the title of this blog post is something that I heard for the first time.

Regional Emergency Medical Centers designed to deal specifically with Ebola patients.

That sounds ominous to me.  Planning is actually going forward to deal with a widespread outbreak while they keep telling the American people that the situation is well in hand.

Sound planning?  No.  Proper planning would be to do everything to prevent an outbreak.  This sounds like a plan to deal with an inevitability.  What aren't we seeing from the CDC?  We're not seeing patients being rushed to the 4 treatment centers that are specialist in dealing with this disease.  If we can fly patients from Africa, then flying them from Dallas to Atlanta shouldn't be hard.

What is leadership thinking here?  What is the real deal that we're not being told?


  1. Staffed by whom?

    Unless Frieden has a few thousand doctors and nurses hidden up his ass, he may as well talk about treating Ebola patients by the Keebler Elves, between trips to the oven to bake the cookies.

    They aren't going to be able to draft workers, so either they'll be unstaffed, and become de facto death camps;
    or they'll never open, and remain this administration's equivalent to the 20 German divisions Hitler was deploying from the Bunker, not knowing they didn't exist anymore.

    And if they're planning to decree that existing facilities will be designated Ebola Regional Medical facility, they'd better get ready for sick outs by the hundreds, overnight.

    1. Oh, and there's only 1 evac plane.

      They could send the Dallas nurse to Nebraska or Atlanta.
      But eventually, they might fill up all 23 beds; then what?

    2. yeah you're previewing a blog post. when this first started the medical ccenters were talking about all the volunteers they had to treat the patients. now we're hearing from the nursing association that the CDC is screwed up and that hospitals aren't ready.

      this is gonna get nasty...much nastier than you've talked about on your blog Shepherd of the Gurney's.

      we're about to see medical personnel take care of self and family and society will see the tremendous burden thats placed on a few people.

    3. I betting it will be military Doctors.
      Military Hospital personnel.
      Military are the only folks they can expect to not cut and run when things go tits up as they always do.
      A sound idea, this way hospital personnel can stay on site, in the hospital and be monitored without leaving and endangering everyone they come in contact with.
      Security, diagnosis,treatment, and body disposal all at one site.
      This is larger than we know I think, it's already in the "Oh Shit" stage but gov is holding it close to their chest.
      People I talk too are clueless, most think Ebola is contained like a lab rat in a lab somewhere or in mythical quarantine. If they think it's loose at all it's in Africa and that is so far away it will never get here.
      If you tell them what is what they say you are misinformed.
      My eyes are open and I'm worried.

  2. Hell just look at the projections for over in Africa put out on Sep 26th.....

    The model released by CDC today looks further ahead, and its projections are even more sobering. If the virus continues to spread at the current rate, Liberia and Sierra Leone alone will have reported about 550,000 Ebola cases by 20 January, the authors write. But if the official numbers so far represent only 40% of the real burden—which many believe may well be the case—that would mean a total of 1.4 million Ebola cases in those two countries by 20 January. “I certainly hope that we see nothing like those projections,” Donnelly says. “But I think it is a realistic projection of what would happen if we didn’t get our act together.”

    I haven't found the projections for the US, but the chances of it popping up and spreading here gets exponentially larger every week.

    1. Sorry pop up in a different city and start the spread.

    2. sidenote. watch for a vid about the guy who refused to get out the car after the cops spent 15 minutes trying to reason with him. total bullshit. i call LEO on mistakes, time to praise when they show utmost restraint and still get slammed because of idiocy.

    3. Hey at least you watched more than the 15sec blurb the media was putting out. By the way as the cop block thing grows I started looking into it and found out the Koch brothers are funding them. From what I'm finding is they may also be funding not only the extreme left wing groups going after police, but the extreme right wing groups as well. I know they are more Libertarian in nature, but they are getting in bed with some nut jobs.

      Oh thats the 3rd video of officers having to extract someone for refusing to get out of a car. The first was the college girl who wouldn't roll down her window far enough for the officer to feel comfortable reaching into the vehicle. The media tried to gin up outrage but it backfired. Same with a self video of a black male refusing to get out, because he was scared that police were just out shooting black people for no reason. The department released the dash cam and it shut that one down as well.

      I hate the idea of a body cam for the fact many calls I deal with no one outside of that home needs to know whats going on inside of it, but I might volunteer for one and say screw everyone that doesn't want their life on you tube don't call the police. Heck I should start a you tube channel and do a public information request every week of my video.

    4. Extrapolate the percentage of population in Africa's hot zone and think of what that would mean here in the US.

  3. It's time to send the US military....and quarantine the region.

    We need to stop flights and all travel FROM that region now.

    Consider how unprepared our healthcare system are:

    Most hospital have paid leave time, not sick time. This creates a disincentive to report in sick and so nurses, etc. come into work sick, go home sick, spread their illness.

    Think how many cheap bastards run hospitals, the penny-wise, pound-foolish bastards who are going to be tempted to skimp on protective clothing, equipment, etc.

    More likely is skimping on training and reducing it to a Powerpoint presentation instead of something rigorous.

  4. A battalion of 800 Sierra Leone soldiers awaiting deployment as peacekeepers in Somalia has been placed in quarantine!

    awaiting deployment and already infect lol!

  5. Megan: Could we deploy them ASAP to Syria?


  7. A bit over the top reaction but we still haven't heard how people taking precautions are still getting infected from this "easily" controlled virus....


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