Saturday, October 11, 2014

Western Africa is already lost.

First check out this passage from a blog post from Shepherd of the Gurneys...
Most ominous development of all , Liberia has now banned all reporters from Ebola treatment centers:
"Journalists are no longer allowed to enter ETUs. These journalists enter the ETUs and cross red lines," Jackson, the deputy information minister, told listeners to commercial station Sky FM.The minister said he would insist that journalists report his statements from now on rather than what they saw for themselves.
Liberia's announcement came after soldiers prevented the media in Guinea from investigating the murders in September of eight people, including three journalists, during an Ebola education visit.
In Liberia, medics have been banned from communicating directly with the media, RSF said, while Sierra Leone has threatened to adopt draconian measures against journalists criticising its Ebola response.

Typical banana republic media relations: When you don't like the news, shut them up and kick them out. So, what would make them want to shut the press out?
Omoruto said the centre had been designed for a maximum capacity of 150 beds but had been forced to take in 300 patients.
Alphonso Wesseh, representing the clinic's healthcare workers, told AFP the government had refused to pay benefits for dealing with Ebola and salaries were as low as $250 a month.
"We cannot work under these conditions. We are risking our lives every day and the government remains insensitive to our plight. This is not human."

So they're already delivering sketchy care, and workers have largely fled, which indicates that the official reports are simply pure BS. So how stable are the governments?
The United Nations said on Friday it had quarantined 41 personnel from its Liberia mission, including 20 soldiers, following a second Ebola infection among its staff.
The measure came two days after the mission, known as UNMIL, announced an "international staff member" working in its medical department tested positive after complaining of symptoms consistent with the Ebola virus.

The healthcare workers have fled, the UN is overwhelmed, and the local governments are tightening freedoms as their control over events becomes even more tenuous.  Government spokesman Isaac Jackson made the announcement as he was questioned on a radio phone-in show about reporters being barred from covering a strike at a Monrovia Ebola treatment unit (ETU).                                                                                 "Most of the workers are no longer coming to work. The few ones who come don't work. We don't have the manpower needed to do the work here at the centre," director Atai Omoruto told reporters before the government clampdown.                                                        The [Liberian] government announced on Wednesday it was postponing nationwide senatorial elections which had been due on Tuesday next week, with no new date yet announced.
Are you getting the force of connection yet?

Is it sinking in for you?

The African continent is facing not an outbreak but an epidemic.  We're looking at failed states already.

The UN has quarantined 41 of its personnel...including medical staff!

Does this sound like something a Marine Corps SPMAGTF-CR can possibly cope with?  Does this sound like something the 101st Airborne can cope with?

If the answer is no then we have to ask.  Why are we sending them?

The various govts will not allow reporters to cover the sick.  Elections are being delayed.  Emergency/Dictatorial powers are being sought.  Its past time to accept the fact that Western Africa is lost and plan accordingly.  Like Shepherd of the Gurneys said (metaphorically)...the four horsemen have arrived in Africa and there is nothing we can do to stop them.


  1. Solomon,

    Have you heard about Connecticut regarding Ebola? A public health emergency has been declared even though they have no Ebola cases.

    1. Suppression of rights and news is what stage in a Pandemic?
      Act four, where the people are told to shut up and get in line, the body dumps are not discovered and people become aware all is not well.
      Once the obvious becomes chillingly clear, the mass graves a fact fear and panic will escalate and government martial law clamping down will just set the whole thing on fire.
      Ebola won't kill a quarter of the people wide spread fear and panic will in civil disruptions on a scale that has never been seen.
      "Where did I put that hand sanitizer....I need a drink!"

    2. Connecticut has a large immigrant population. its bullshit and common sense wrapped together in that move.

  2. This smell like Mogadishu...

    Not like Africa was milk & honey before Sol' it's defiantly not lost as it's never was... found. Yeah you have some more developed regions there, Morocco, Algeria, RSA more or less Egypt... but most of central African states are on the bring of failed states or war from last century.

    Sometimes I wonder why people think that NOW is something bad happening in Africa... like it was GOOD earlier. Epidemic? It is a little larger then in most cases but that is something NEW? Epidemics, hunger, wars, genocides, coups, day like everyday in Africa.

    Why it's not such big deal? Because some sicks now show up in Europe or US. Before that... not a SINGLE FUCK WAS GIVEN. If sick would not show in our continents... NOT A SINGLE FUCK WOULD BE GIVEN.

  3. The folks on the ground already know how bad it is so this is for outside western aid and support groups to be fooled.
    Yes, this is no longer an outbreak or a wild fire it's the four horsemen type epidemic.
    It will have to burn itself out or Africa and the world may just have to learn to live with a constant Ebola threat, it may literally never go away like HIV/AIDS, the clap and syphilis this may be a permanent disease.
    The PopProb (population problem) folks got there wish, hope it bites them on the ass also.
    The Marines, and the Paratroopers need to be pulled out, at this point this is beyond their helping and only allows our men and women to get infected and die.
    Stick a fork in Liberia, they are done.

  4. Sol, At what stage does this become an actual Pandemic?

  5. How your community preps for incoming Ebola?

  6. "OH HELL!" I know it's real now! The wife is the worlds biggest scoffer, I told her about the killer flu when it was feared and she scoffed and laughed, I told her about Islam, she scoffed and laughed, yet today she came in the house after shopping with four gallons of bleach, bottled water and canned food.
    It's in case of the worst she said, and that she had somehow read the CDC warning and advice on what to have for this event.
    If My wife believes and is worried, It's fucking real!

  7. TWIXTER: The largest town beside our county has had a conference on Ebola epidemic control. The city emergency Management leader and team went into detail about efforts they would use to combat an outbreak.
    The city has it's own fairly large and well equipped Hospital system which would see a majority of patients if an outbreak occurs here.
    The only comment after the conference was "We have to be all on the same page here IF something happens or it's not going to work", That is about all any city can do.
    I would imagine it includes, mass cremation, body dumps, HazMat clean up in mass and riot control.
    I would think suspension of 1st, 2d, 4th and 5th amendments are also on the table.
    The freedom to assemble will be severely curtailed.
    I believe EMT, firemen maybe even ANG will conduct health and well being patrols checking houses without a warrant to seek out suspected infected and deal with a hostile and protective family.
    My Advice?
    1. Water. lots of it.
    2. canned food. lots of it.
    3. a way to make fire.
    4. a way to sterilize water, skin, surfaces, clothes and shoes. "CHLORINE BLEACH"
    5. plan to stay sheltered in place for at least 21 days to a month or two.
    6. Water shedding bleach safe rain coats, ponchos and other plastic apparel along with plastic gloves and sheets (for body disposal and transport to area for plague victims) if needed.
    7. a radio, wind up or solar powered.
    8. a propane and or kerosene lantern, stove and heater with fuel.
    9. a way to carry water.
    10. a weapon for defense, what ever you can handle or are allowed to own, don't wave it around and don't tell anyone you have these supplies "especially the government!"
    Ya got to be a mouse, stay low, stay quiet and stay put.
    Good luck and remember we are all in this together and good luck....we are surely gonna need it.
    I'd also include a pack of playing cards.

  8. We the average public do not have the level of protected gear and garments to stave off infection and contamination.
    We at large don't have the assets and funds to acquire the items.
    A years worth of food?
    No way and no where to store it safely.
    Mass sterilization and hospital hot zone rules?
    Can't do it.
    yet one must try, if all we have are three months of chow, a water sterilizer made of bleach and fire decon by the most primitive means that is what we have to use.
    If That Paratrooper and Marine in Liberia going into the hot zone and all he has is standard Military MOPP gear that is what he will wear.
    Because even if it doesn't work, even if it kills them that is all they have.
    Bodies cannot just lie around close by, someone will have to remove them or the survivor will have to relocate, if all you have is a rain coat and rain suit with gloves and a paper mask then that is what you will have to use.
    It will probably kill you. But, as stated it's either move or move them, moving adds danger in itself and moving with women, family food will most likely get you killed.
    Caring for the dying will become as close to the waking dead scenario as it can get, the lucky sick will get a large dose of poison or opiates, perhaps a bullet as mercy.
    Care is just not feasible, even for loved ones.
    After three months the population will become smaller, food more plentiful a large store of it may become less desirable.
    The greatest number of deaths will come from civil unrest and mass looting, violence for the sake of religion, race, greed of supplies, women and just for the sake of violence.
    I expect in a mass epidemic a full 99% of us will be dead of one thing or another inside a year, maybe two at most.
    All we can do is persevere, live each day to the fullest.
    Love our family and friends as long as we can, give mercy when it's all there is to give.
    Trying everyday to overcome the horror and misery around us.
    Ya do what ya can with what you have hope for the best, expect the worst.
    Trust in Jesus and keep your ammo dry.


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