Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Where was the leadership to tell this Marine to do a "check"????

Check this out...via Stars and Stripes...
Five Navy warships are being held in port in the Philippines while police investigate the killing of a Filipino transgender at Subic Bay.
The State Department said in an email Tuesday that a Marine, assigned to 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines, out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., is a suspect in the death of Jeffrey Laude, also known as Jennifer.
Laude, 26, was last seen entering the Celzone Lodge in Olongapo City with a short-haired male foreigner, aged 25-30, around 10:55 p.m. on Saturday. Later, Laude’s naked body, partially covered with a blanket, was found in a bathroom at the hotel.
A State Department spokesperson said the suspect is being held onboard the USS Peleliu while the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and Philippine National Police investigate.
The Peleliu, USS Germantown, USNS Sacagawea, USNS Washington Chambers and the JHSV WestPac Express are staying in the Philippines, Marine Corps Forces Pacific spokesman Col. Brad Bartelt said.

Gonna try and keep this rated G....but this goes to a leadership failure and the dangers of political correctness and how it affects our Marines.

Simply put, where were the crusty Marines that have been around the block a couple of times to warn the Junior Marines about reality when in a foreign port of call...

And to be a bit more frank.  About the dangers of being in a Pacific port of call where "he-shes", transvestites etc...are more common than real females? 

The Marine will be punished severely and with good reason.  But make no mistake about it.

Leadership failed this Marine.

A simple liberty safety brief that included a warning about the reality of some of the inhabitants of these cities...how "snagging" a Marine is prized...how you always do a "gear check" would have saved alot of grief.

This whole thing would be funny but a person is dead, another persons life is ruined and political correctness is at fault for it all.

SIDENOTE:  Something reeks here.  Why would you "detain" an entire Amphibious Ready Group?  The Philippines might be more trouble than they're worth.  The needy do not dictate to those providing help.  A desire to be seen as an equal partner when you're anything but is leading to some very arrogant moves by their government.  If this trend continues then we need to seriously rethink teaming with them.


  1. If you find out you have been dancing with a man, Laugh, be nice, polite and then bid them a happy adieu.
    No need for violence.
    Ya ain't got to have sex with them, no one else needs to know if you almost did.
    The time when gay and transgendered people are allowed to be worked over or beat down is long since Politically incorrect and detrimental to your career.
    It's not something you kill someone for or beat them bloody over.
    Be a Man, Be a Marine, bow out gracefully and walk away.
    Hell at worst your buddies may ride you till hell freezes over or at best you may have a good time without having sex.
    Leadership where the hell are you clowns?
    Brown nosing politician's brown holes that's where.

    1. you said it better than i did. i don't even know how hard you'd get teased. the ladyboys are hard to spot at times and shit happens.

      but a murder? yeah, he's gonna get punished and its gonna hurt. but i still blame leadership for not giving the warning.

    2. How hard you'd get teased?
      While deployed to the Med in the early 70's I had a buddy I'll call Ski, In RnR Athens he met a damn fine looking woman, damn fine!
      He went off with her and she was a Tranny, Ski was cool though and while somewhat pissed came running back up to us red faced a wee bit more than slightly drunk and told us the sordid tale.
      She/He came back laughing with her "girl friends" Poor Ski, two years later in WestPac we were still giving him hell about that.
      It topped his last foray in a house of ill repute in France when he shat in a hookers Bidet by mistake.
      But, that is of course another sea story.

    3. Zebra,

      As a younger man who was raised in sheltered Montana and later traveled to France for his first time, I actually asked what that special sink was because I was about to do the same thing. XD

    4. Ski actually had the SP's called out on his unlucky green Marine Corps Buttocks!

  2. I will disagree.

    Whether they are AF, Army, Navy and/or Marines, active US Servicemen are never "prosecuted" in the Philippines. The worst they'll get is a "slap on the wrist".

    Don't ask how it's done, Sol (and everybody). I've seen this being done all the time. From rape to hit-and-run to murder.

    The next thing you'll know, the accused will be on the next military transport out in no time.

    The Philippine Government is desperate for the US military to start basing there. The aggrieved party can be easily paid.

    1. Mark they just held up an entire ARG because of this incident. i don't think this will be a slap on the wrist.

    2. Sorry Sol, I wasn't being cleared.

      When I meant "slap on the wrist", I meant criminal charges in the Philippines. G0d knows what the USMC will do to them for holding back the ARG from departing.

    3. The thing is, nobody held the phiblex-15 group in the Philippines except the Admiral himself, admiral S. Locklear. The case is already filed in court. The VFA agreement is lax on this one, esp on the custody of that marine, unless otherwise there is already a decision in the local court with finality on the issue, the custody of the marine still resides with the US government. The VFA agreement is in line with the MDT between the US and the Philippine government.}

  3. Having been overseas in various places of questionable repute, I have to say I sympathize with this Marine, if indeed it turns out he had an impulse reaction to him having been tricked into a situation he didn't want himself to get into. That's as far as I'll go on this one, and won't even get into the legal argument about where he should be tried. Bodycount is one dead and one young man's life ruined, sad enough as it is.
    As for Sol's other criticism regarding lack of leadership, I think fundamentally, guys with more "experience" of deployment in "exotic places" should share their wisdom ... Gear check (not sure you mean "down-under" or throat area) or at least hip to waist ratio can avoid akward situations (best case) or plain out manslaughter (worst case) ... I was gonna make a tasteless joke about this last bit, but given the seriousness of the whole mess, I'll abstain from political incorrectness, for now ;-)

  4. It was not the philippine government who instructed the naval vessels to stay in subic bay, it was the pacom chief Admiral locklear who gave that instruction.


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