Sunday, November 09, 2014

Which is better...Discipline or Motivation?


  1. Motivation is nothing without discipline and discipline without motivation is nothing. You need both in equal part, because if discipline fails you have motivation and if motivation fails, you have discipline.

  2. Discipline is the way.
    EXAMPLE: My Lai Vietnam.
    MOTIVATION became a mass murder of civilians causing enemy propaganda to win the war.
    DISCIPLINE Would have prevented this despite MOTIVATION beyond the ability to control.
    Discipline creates a highly directed military to apply force for tactical and strategic gain.
    Motivation is uncontrollable and goes in places and ways unforeseen and un wanted.

    1. totally agree with you guys. motivation is a fickle thing that leaves as soon as you get bone tired. when shit gets hard it doesn't get going, cause it left a long time before that point.

      discipline is the thing.

    2. Discipline as a foundation supported by motivation.


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