Thursday, October 23, 2014

X-Band radar delivered to Japan...

via Reuters.
The United States is damaging stability in the Asia-Pacific region by positioning a missile defense radar in Japan, China said on Thursday.
Japan, an ally of the United States, has voiced growing anxiety over China's more assertive posture in the East China Sea, where the neighbors are locked in a dispute over control of a group of uninhabited islets.
North Korea has carried out a series of missile tests this year, including two medium-range missiles capable of hitting Japan. Pyongyang has also threatened another nuclear test.
Japan's defense ministry has said an X-Band radar system was delivered on Tuesday to the U.S. military's communication facility in Kyoto in the western part of the country. It is scheduled to be fully operational by the end of the year.
"Neighboring countries pushing forward the deployment of anti-missile systems in the Asia-Pacific and seeking unilateral security is not beneficial to strategic stability and mutual trust in the region," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a regular briefing.
"It is not beneficial to peace and stability in Northeast Asia."

Countries should not use "excuses to harm the security interests of other countries," Hua added, describing the situation as "deeply concerning".
Sorry but I'm taking a different stance.  I don't think this has much to do with anti-missile defense, but everything to do with being able to detect Chinese stealth fighters, cruise missiles and drones.

We created stealth, others caught up and now we're having to defend against it with a poorly crafted development fighter (F-35) and anti-air defenses that are biased for action against last decades threats.

NOTE:  As Charlie pointed out ... I jumbled my information.  L-band radars are useful for detecting stealth aircraft .... time to go back to APA website and refresh my memory on these things.


  1. Looking at the geography of that region with China, North/South Korea, Japan and US Forces jam packed in such a tight area when you compare actual force size......the more Radars you have the better its going to be for your side. Not just radars but every type of observation asset you have.......villagers, fishermen, bouys, satalites, drones, spy aircraft, Maritime recce aircrafts etc.

    In the worst case scenario in this region.....the Navy and Airforce of all the above mentioned countries are going to be the first responders. We all know the kind of assets and then large numbers of such assets that these countries can produce. Add balistic missles into the mix and you sure have a cocktail to hell.

    Funny this is that its actually the uber-expensive Navy/Air assets that need the maximum amount of information before being sent into a conflict. Premium assets, premium Information.

  2. X-band radars are not really useful to detect stealth aircraft.


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