Thursday, October 16, 2014

You're all missing the reality of Obama's National Guard call up!

via Huffington Post.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is authorizing the Pentagon to call up reserve and National Guard troops if they are needed to assist in the U.S. response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Read the whole thing...but understand this.

You're missing the reality of the situation if you're just going with the news reports here.

He just did an undercover "federalizing" of State National Guard Units.

Do you get the force of connection yet?  The public story is that they're needed to aid in the fight against Ebola in Africa, but if you're buying that then let me sell you a couple of bridges!

The National Guard isn't needed in Africa!

They are needed if a state of emergency is declared in the US!  Want a bit more common sense reasoning?  If this was only about Africa then you can bet your last dollar that the Active Army has enough Engineers and Logistical Personnel to handle the requirements of this mission.

So again.  This activation isn't about Africa.  Its about pre-planning for missions here, inside the US if sugar turns to shit.


  1. After reading this, am I supposed to believe only one person or two is going to come down with Ebola? Yeah because we are still supposed to believe it isn't very contagious and the US hospitals are ready for it? What a joke! And some idiot on TV TODAY still had the gale to say the USA has the best healthcare system in the world!



  2. We have not heard much from U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) They are the real pros. I worked with them when I was a NBC officer. I know they have plans and projections for all types of scenarios that were war-gamed.
    The NG has lots of engineering and MPs that can work in MOPP gear to make FEMA towns or do recon missions if it REALLY goes sideways. I seen projections for a few dozen cases to isolated hot zones.

  3. Sol,

    Your blog can, regularly, contain "things that make you go, Hmmmm ...". This Ebola incident in the US just makes me mad. Storming mad.

    Duncan is "patient zero". The rest of the cross-contamination and/or the spread is due to negligence by CDC and the Hospital themselves ... until I found out about the "clipboard guy". And then I began to cry.

    Let me put this out there: If Ebola should spread within the US (and I hope not), then blame it to stupid people not using this thing called "common sense".

    I stand by my view that the Director of the CDC needs to stand down. His staff are ... inept (for a lack of a better word) and he's responsible for their stupidity. The spread of Ebola in western Africa is caused by lack of resources and knowledge. The potential spread of Ebola in the US is caused by the lack of common sense. Everything has to be "by the book".

    1. well to be honest i've been on alert for homeland military activity ever since i learned that the Coast Guard was augmenting TSA at airports.

      oh and i agree. you're messing up my blog post for tomorrow though:) DUNCAN IS TO BLAME. full stop. the CDC has acted stupidly. the administration has been asleep at the switch, but Duncan is the reason for this...along with a total lack of common sense (you laid it out better than i have).

      this is gonna get worse. just mark my words.

    2. To be honest, better to get our shit straight, NOW. Before this hits Mexico and Central America.

    3. Who is to say it's not already there?
      The governments everywhere are hiding Ebola patients out of fear of causing panic out of fear of a crashed economy or fear some other nation will act while they are weak and sick.
      Georgia has two school boys who just got back from Africa on lock out of school until they can prove they do not have Ebola.
      A man from Nigeria flying in on a plane pukes and dies, the CDC said it's not Ebola yet they can't say what killed him.

      The new Ebola Czar is said to be the former Chief of Staff of VPOTUS Al Gore and...................Joe Biden.

    4. So O thinks the National Guard will be able to keep a lid on a place with 300 MILLION guns in private hands? Yeah, sure.

      More likely the Guard"person" will take their weapon and go home with it to protect their family.

    5. Solomon

      Your stupidity is astounding. There are critical skills that are found in Army National Guard units that are not normally found in great numbers in Regular US Army units. When needed the US Army, Navy and Air Force will call up these individuals. You see little of this in the USMC as these skills are usually found in in the USN


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