Thursday, November 20, 2014

105mm Mobile Gun System program begins...

via Janes
A Brazilian Army programme to buy one prototype 105 mm turreted gun system, with the option for a pilot batch of about 13 systems, is expected to attract bids from several international companies.
Interested firms have until late December to formally issue a proposal, a source close to the programme told IHS Jane's on 17 November.
The source said that so far ARES Aeroespacial e Defesa (incorporating a 105mm gun of Israel Military Industries), China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO), CMI Defence, Denel Land Systems, and OTO Melara have obtained the Request for Proposal (RfP) issued by the army on 7 November.
This is freaking embarrassing.

Let me remind you of some unpleasant history.

The USMC started the Marine Personnel Carrier Program in 2008.  Killed it in 2012, revived it and in the video Amphibious Combat Vehicle Modernization stated that it COULD enter service as soon as 2019.  The video definitively stated that the AAV Upgrade program WOULD start in 2019.

In much less time the Brazilians will have their entire allotment of VBTP-MR's, will be well on the way to the 8x8 version and the 105mm Mobile Gun System will be getting their barrels shot out.

Embarrassing doesn't cut it.  This is humiliating.  Why can the Brazilians get it done but the USMC can't?


  1. My explanation: the Brazilian Armed Forces have have much, but much less programs than the US Armed Forces. It is a question of putting 10 galons in a 1 galon can!!!


  2. i think the US marine leadership just need a bit of refocusing of priorities , and not putting V22 and F35 on pedestals..

  3. Ground combat is politically unpopular. Pilots flying in and dropping smart bombs seems to hardly get noticed. Same thing with special operations. Ask someone in the general public if we are bombing ISIS. They may not even be aware its still happening. So in my opinion this strangling of ground force development in favor of the programs like the F-35 is politically driven.

  4. Off topic, but...

    This is kinda fun to watch.

  5. At this rate I think the U.S Army will replace the Marine Corps...
    and in the near future too.

    1. if you believe that then you don't understand the debate, the issues i'm raising or the roles of the services in the US dept of defense.

    2. Do you have a page that contains your précis?

      Always helps to have a 'two doors down, the hall, look under M for modernization.' reference, saves explaining everything twice and gives people a POV to associate casual speech like this with.


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