Monday, November 10, 2014

15 seconds of awesomeness...


  1. No insult intended to the Marines, but what are they going to do in the future? Over the horizon seems to be taking a slow boat to China, literally as their planned "high speed insertions" via the EFV seems to have hit a dead end. Keep them on land, and they're going to compete with the Army for jobs.

    If they really want to keep the Marines as amphibious assault, they first need to come up with a new gameplan on how to get to shore.

    Or keep them occupied doing music videos. :(

    1. i wonder what the fucking US Army is going to do to remain relevant! don't bring interservice rivalries here son or it could get ugly. the USMC is my focus because i want it to remain the ultimate fighting force. many Soldiers feel the same way, but make no mistake about it. if i pull back the covers and take a serious look at what the US Army is doing, then many will wonder why we just don't disband them and rely on the Marines and SOCOM.

  2. Wonder how many marine training teams are headed to iraq, Again. Happy birthday USMC.


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