Friday, November 28, 2014

Australian Army's 1st Brigade Cambrai Day Parade...

NOTE:  ThinkDefence Blog gets thanks for spelling correction.


  1. This tank may be contoversial but in the second last photo with that camo and sunlight effect it looks pretty damn good.

  2. all these nice armour and stuff.. is australia still paranoid about being invaded ? or these just tools to help support Us military misadventures ?

    1. What Australian armor? Those are all Polish PMC's there... can't you see that?

    2. @Shas.

      you know i tried to run down those rumors of Polish PMC's operating in Ukraine. lots of rumors and lots of talk but no evidence. from the evidence there are more former US servicemen in Ukraine than Poles. so that rumor is just dog shit.

    3. I know Sol' I'm just trolling him.

      And sorry for that, It was unprofessional from my side.

    4. oh i know you were joking but i wanted to let others know that those accusations are totally false. it appears that the Russians are trying to poke your country a bit. hate to say that because the implications are pretty intense but if Russia is pushing those i suspect then that can point toward more moves...much more dangerous moves on their part. no one's paying attention but Ukraine ain't over by a long shot.

      i haven't posted it but fighting has flared up around the airport in Doentsk. thats bad news. real bad.

    5. Our best defence is uncle Sam - a county of 20 odd million people simply can't raise sufficient taxes to defend against a power like China. Though, I'm confident we'll be able to take on the likes of Indonesia.

  3. hmm me thinks the news about polish PMC are not received well by the resident polish troll.. as a side note, there's nothing wrong with joining a polish PMC , you get paid handsomely doing 'police actions' all over the world right ? Of course there are more than just polish PMC or US volunteers in ukraine.. the rebels even killed an Israeli who is a security consultant and ex-aide to mr netanyahu , he was travelling with one of the punishers group when it was ambushed and destroyed..

    nothing to see here thought, it is all rumor and fiction for people who closed his mind to such things lol


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