Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chinese Military Cargo Aircraft via Chinese Military Review Blog.

All pics from Chinese Military Review Blog.  




Note:  Of all these aircraft the one that stirs my imagination and concerns me the most is the JL-600.  A quick blast from the past.  The USMC experimented and by all indications actually used the R3Y Tradewind as part of its "Rapid Deployment Force" during the 1950's and up until the Vietnam War.  Consider it an early form of the USMC's Air Contingency MAGTF (its a shame that the SPMAGTF-CR's went Hollywood instead of simply reinforcing an existing concept).  If China has plans to do the same, and can integrate its air and sea assault forces, then the US/Japan have already lost the race to reinforce islands in the Pacific.  Let's hope they're pure rescue and anti-sub planes.