Monday, November 24, 2014

Coconut another Pacific nightmare...

 Read the story me a scary little girl if you like but freaking insects the size of small dogs creep me the fuck out!  This shit is insane!


  1. Solomon,

    Have you ever heard of the Christmas Island Red Crab migration?

    1. oh yeah. that makes sense. i can deal with big ole' alligators. never saw an anaconda but it makes sense to me. hell even throw in a T-Rex. it would boggle the mind but it is at least understandable...but a freaking crab the size of a dog? that's insane! insects in the swarms don't phase me. insects that look like they stepped out of a radiation pool in a 1950's scifi movie creep me the fuck out!

    2. Mike,

      The locals closed off the roads because if you ran over one of them, there's a chance the claws can puncture your tires and the locals hate receiving calls from terrified (and screaming) tourists stuck in a sea of red crabs with a flat tire.

      Another thing: They're not "edible". And it's a crime to kill them as they are a protected specie. Go figure: Almost a million of them migrate to breed yearly and they are protected?

  2. Have to say that from the Marshall Islands to Guadalcanal, we have eaten the hell out of the coconut crab...frigging delicious

  3. Coconut crabs are Crustaceans, not Insects. They are not even related.

    1. wow. thank you for clearing that up! want a cookie??? suck a dick DT i don't give a fuck what they are they're fucking creepy as hell.

    2. I just wanted to point that out. It wasn't my intention to suggest that they are not creepy. And by the way, they are totally harmless. Also, they have become extinct on most islands because humans like to eat them (they are quite tasty).

    3. They are not creepy? Just imagine a crab that size running towards you...

  4. Solomon, search for the gigantic Australian bat.

  5. I for one get concerned when giant crabs start looking through my garbage pales.


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