Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Defense One Summit Live!

A little birdy landed on my window sill and told me I needed to keep one eye on the Defense One Summit today.  You can catch it live here (they're live streaming it) but below is a quick "run down" of events/topics...

7:15-8:00 AM: Registration and networking
8:00-8:40 AM: Breakfast Sessions
Session 1: The Potential and Peril of the Future Robot Army
A discussion on the advantages, pitfalls and ethical implications of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence in modern warfare.

- Ramez Naam, Futurist, Computer Scientist, Author and Futurist, Singularity University
- Michael Horowitz, Associate Professor, Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Moderator: Patrick Tucker, Technology Editor, Defense One
Session 2: CEO Breakfast:Defense Industry CEO’s talk about how defense businesses are evolving for the new era of national security.
- William “Bill” Lynn III, CEO, Finmeccanica North America andDRS Technologies, Inc.
- Ellen Lord, President and CEO, Textron Systems
Moderator: Marcus Weisgerber, Global Business Reporter, Defense One
9:00-9:30 AM: The Future of the U.S. NavyRethinking the Navy’s priorities—and its people—for the age of terrorism and global conflict.
Speaker: Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. William Moran
Moderator: Stephanie Gaskell, Executive Editor, Defense One
9:30-10:00 AM: Rethinking the Army of the FutureHow Russia, ISIS and money changes the U.S. defense budget, force structure and role of conventional ground forces.
Speaker: U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray OdiernoModerator: Tom Bowman, Pentagon Reporter, NPR
10:00 AM-10:30 AM: War Powers in the Age of Terrorism
- Senator Tim Kaine, D-Va.- Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.Moderator: Molly O’Toole, Politics Reporter, Defense One.
10:35-11:20 AM: Spotlight Sessions
11:20-12:05 PM: Lunch Keynote
Speaker: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey12:05-12:50 PM: On the Purpose of the Military
A conversation with the chairman about Iraq, today’s conflict and how the U.S. military should be used to meet America’s national security commitments.
Speaker: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin DempseyModerator: Kevin Baron, Executive Editor, Defense One
12:50-1:20 PM: Dessert and Networking/Solutions Lab
1:20-2:05 PM: Spotlight Sessions
2:05-2:45 PM: Keeping America Safe
A discussion on intelligence, cyber spying and counterterrorism.
Speaker: Michael Vickers, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence
Moderator: Gordon Lubold, Senior Military Reporter/Editor, Defense One
2:45-3:15 PM: Conflict, Military Intervention and International InstitutionsSpeaker: Samantha Power, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Moderator: Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations and Author of The Dressmaker of Khair Khana
3:15-3:30 PM: Networking Break
3:30-4:00 PM: Cyberwarfare Defense

A discussion on the future of military robotics, defending the Internet of Things from cyberwar and looking beyond the electronics horizon for modern warfare.
Speaker: Arati Prabhakar, Director, Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency
Moderator: Patrick Tucker, Technology Editor, Defense One
4:00-4:30 PM: The Offset Strategy
Robert Work, Deputy Secretary of Defense, looks at how the U.S.will retain its technological edge in the coming decades.
Speaker: Robert Work, Deputy Secretary of Defense

Moderator: Marcus Weisgerber, Global Business Reporter
4:30-4:40 PM: Closing Remarks
Send us a tweet @DefenseOne if you have any questions during the day.
I'll be tuning in to see what Work has to say.  The guy is going to be a player and he made a comment about forward deployed versus surge forces that many ignored but I believe will dramatically affect current Marine Corps operations...specifically the SPMAGTF-CR.  More on that later.  If I have time I'll tune into what Dempsey is saying but all the hope I had for his tenure has dissipated.  He is simply another politician in uniform.  On second thought, I think I'll be skipping his talks.

Did you notice anything?

The Marine Corps and USAF are not represented in this discussion.  I thought that perhaps the Navy would be pinch hitting for us but the speaker seems to be focused on Navy centric topics.  Why the USMC and USAF would either not be invited or choose not to participate is puzzling.  I don't know if it means anything but I'll be chewing on that one for a bit.


  1. @How Russia, ISIS and money changes the U.S. defense budget, force structure and role of conventional ground forces.Speaker: U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray OdiernoModerator: Tom Bowman, Pentagon Reporter, NPR@

    Bgggggg)))). It is impressive - to be between “ISIS” and “money” in the agenda.

    1. Oh info' Russia is before ISIS and money... first place! :D Wonder if they give some medals or something for this occasion.

      The Potential and Peril of the Future Robot Army - now this is something I would like to hear.

    2. @Oh info' Russia is before ISIS and money... first place! @

      Your Truth, pan!

      @The Potential and Peril of the Future Robot Army - now this is something I would like to hear.@
      Yeah, perspective thing.
      Interesting source, this site. I’ve found a large-scale analysis about our military there^
      I wonder why they account that we have 2 000 tactic nukes, if it is well-spread info that we have about 10 000?

  2. Right you are on Work, especially robotics replacing manned aircraft. I would like to hear the guy from --
    Singularity University is an unaccredited teaching organization located in Silicon Valley whose stated aim is to "educate, inspire and empower leaders to apply exponential technologies to address humanity’s grand challenges." --Wikipedia

    Dempsey? The guy pushing this ISIS involvement? Samantha Power, the Libya promoter? Not so much.


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