Saturday, November 15, 2014

F-35 strangling the Canadian Air Force even before they get it...

via Ottwa Citizen.
Usually such funds would have come from the Department of National Defence and been administered by its procurement staff. But that process has changed, according to Royal Canadian Air Force commander Lt.-Gen. Yvan Blondin.
“The RCAF will now be responsible for the National Procurement financial obligations detailed in the Joint Strike Fighter program – amounting to $22.5M(million) for FY 2014/15 – and has no ability to absorb this amount,” Blondin wrote in his 2014 business plan, which was leaked to the Citizen.
Blondin warned if he didn’t get the money then RCAF operations would be hindered.

That set off a series of intense negotiations within National Defence headquarters, with budget officials heeding Blondin’s warning and providing him with the money.
“Payment into the program has had no impact on the RCAF’s readiness level or operational capabilities,” DND spokesman Dan Blouin stated in an email to the Citizen.
He noted the air force now has responsibility for such future costs, a change from previous years.
Too fucking funny.

They're complaining about 23 million dollars when that won't even buy one airplane?  What happens when they finally saddle up and actually start buying?  This is turning into a dark comedy.