Monday, November 10, 2014

Ferguson is turning into a meeting engagement...

I still believe that the authorities have acted badly in how they dealt with the protests in Ferguson.  The DA has basically given a green light to police misconduct, the Governor punted when he could have appointed an independent investigation, the FBI and Justice Dept pussied out when they could have intervened and so on.  So what do we have now?  Basically a meeting engagement in a city inside the US of A.  Check this out.

via MintPressNews.
In breaking news, newly-leaked information has come to us concerning the protests that are being planned following the verdict of Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri.
The verdict reading is secretly scheduled for the weekend of the 14th-16th, more than likely on the 14th around 6pm after all the schools are cleared. This comes in part at the request of the schools.
Our sources tell us that the verdict is 100% that they will not indict the Officer Darren Wilson. So there is no need to wait and find out what they say before making your travel plans if you are interested in protesting the verdict.
The State has rolled in 9 heavy armored vehicles and which are currently being parked at Scott Air Force Base with 3 near the airport (the base is by the airport). Mconnel Air Force Base in Kansas is where the armored vehicles came from which is why one of our sources spotted the convoy of them near Salina, Kansas.
Our sources also tell us that the National Guard is 100% ready and preparing for the weekend and is currently stationed at Scott Air Force Base. The military base named Fort Riley in Kansas is where National Guard along with other agencies have been training and going over actions designed for mass civil unrest in Ferguson and have actively training in two-week programs for the last month and a half. After completion of training they were sent to wait in Fort Leanordwood, Missouri, and now the Air Force base as well.
We are also being told that plans for downtown St. Louis are underway as well. The police are fearing mass civil unrest to spread in to downtown and other cities. A Black Hawk helicopter is parked at Lambert Airport in St. Louis as well, which gives us some idea about how heavy-handed of a police and military response the State is planning.
Our sources also tell us the following:
Global Hawk will have all coms jammed in ferguson
300 Department of Homeland Security SUVs parked in a 3 story underground garage in STL
Police are upset and speaking frequently about releasing names of family members
Conversation taking place online about Ferguson are being monitored by a Fusion Center which is currently acting as a Early Warning Station for “Terrorism” pertaining to Ferguson
There are 24 agencies in total, local police getting orders from federal agencies
There has been 23k has been spent on non lethal weaponry 17k of that from a federal grant
On top of all of this, it should be noted that Darren Wilson is in Atlanta, not in Ferguson or surrounding areas.

As well, residents and travelers should be advised to expect multiple strategic police lines, and street closures in and around Ferguson with no travel allowed in.
Now here’s where it gets really interesting… Northrup Gruman has been hired as the IT contractor for Scott Air Force Base. Contacts on the inside are telling us that Alert status has been in affect this week for Ferguson as they are finishing their training in Kansas.
What do I find alarming?

This is a full court press.  These type of assets (if this is true), could not be assembled without the assistance/agreement of federal authorities.

So once again, no matter where you come down on the issue, we're about to see citizen protests being put down in the same way that the Nazi's, the Soviet Union, or even modern day China would.

Jack booted thugs in police uniforms are about to put on a show of force.

Awesome (sarcasm spiking).


  1. The threats to the Policemen and women's families is most likely the trigger for the heavy handed tactics planned.
    The inclusion of PLO, and every other kook, nut case and anarchist and folks who think a good riot is a prelude to party and sex is not making this easy.
    The good citizens of Ferguson are the ones who will suffer most.
    I cannot at this time see how else the LEO can respond, to go in weak is asking for trouble, to go in strong will no doubt cause that same trouble.
    Short of simply ringing the area with Police and allowing anarchy to take place inside the arena may be the only method.
    All it will take is a single shot, fired by anyone, Police or rioter maybe even someone just making trouble and then people are gonna die.
    I've had my share of riot training and see no good coming from this event short of the protestors just don't show up.
    The Police have to.
    I guess by now the protestors do too, and that seals the deal.
    Wang Dang Doodle in Ferguson Missouri.

  2. Going to be Budapest 1956 all over again.

  3. Honestly the evidence is showing more and more that Brown assaulted this officer(never really doubted that), the police response to this is what caused all of this.

    Now, as for this situation, when you have people planning to flood the area, I really cant blame the state for getting ready, especially after last time. If we actually had peaceful protest instead of looting and such maybe this time around none of this would be needed.

    In the end, leaders in the police department, and on the other side (Al sharpton??) are really to blame for this, if proportional police action had been taken (Riot instead of full tac'd out officers) and peaceful protesting instead of riots/looting maybe we wouldn't be looking at Global Hawks and Reserves being called up

    (and Sol ive sent you some interesting things the last few days)

    1. you don't know cause you weren't there. you're taking information from a police dept and DA's office that have a vested interest in NOT finding that this officer acted badly at face value.

      but again. i have not commented on the shooting. i have not debated the shooting. Brown could be wrong. so could Wilson....sidenote. i find it disturbing that someone is obviously tracking Wilson's movments....but i have commented on how the police reacted to the protests.

    2. That's the thing of it. I wasn't there, neither was 98.99 % of the people in this country.
      I don't know what happened, all I have is highly suspect information from any and all sides concerned, the majority sensationalism media, and propaganda both for the narrative and against.
      My heartfelt and honest advice to everyone there is to stay home the day of the verdict.
      Turn off the news and sit and have fun with family.
      Don't answer the door.
      Peace people, all it takes is peace.

    3. that's the most common sense thing i've heard regarding this whole thing. oh and i'm not crazy Zebra. i know that ever anarchist in the nation is zooming toward Ferguson. i know that all kinds of troublemakers are gearing up for a fight.

      the problem.

      the police are gonna provide the spark. whats worse? if they hired me today to be a consultant to handle the situation i would tell everyone to stay home, tell them the consequences if they don't and then establish free speech zones and/or routes for marchers.

      this can be done but they're gearing for the fight instead.

  4. The problem is that many departments don't have riot gear. You might ask why. From the hire ups I talk to is that since the 70s "riot training" was looked down on. Now those same people that had them used against them have been running your local city so guess where funding hasn't gone since the 80s.

    On the point of everyone wussing out on not starting their own investigation do you think it might be they knew the writing on the wall that it was justified and they didn't want the political hot potato in their lap. I love everyone that says the police somehow get away with this or that when it goes to a grand jury. The Grand Jury are everyday citizens. Now there are different standards though between an everyday person shooting someone and a law enforcement shooting someone. The courts have decided the reasonableness of the action for a everyday person is if a reasonable person would do the same. For law enforcement its if another reasonable officer would do the same thing given the experience of the officer involved during his career. Also the Supreme Court also added that they can not use any hindsight to determine if the shooting was good. This does make it harder to find fault in some shootings that would probably get Joe Blow jail time.

    As far as the authorities being prepared for every eventuality for the "protests" to turn into riots I bet LA wishes they had this back in 92.

    Oh and on the chief mishandling things remember Sheriffs have to go to the people every few years and Chiefs have to do what the city tells him to do. Now I do believe the video of the robbery was timed wrong, but can you blame a guy that sits there and listens to some thug being called a saint and how his officer is a racist murderer when in all honesty he may have know much more by that time about what actually happened, but it was Holder that kept the video from coming out in the first place.

    Now to the point of protest and freedom of assembly, speech, and to just plain bitch that whoever didn't get there way. Now lets see the difference in other parts of the country and circumstances they actually have people that plan these protests out and submit a request to close streets down and the City can plan accordingly how to route traffic. In Ferguson they don't plan ahead and walk into the streets and disrupt traffic by obstructing other citizens movement. Thats why in a previous post I was pissed that whats his name walked with the protesters into the middle of the street clearly blocking and impeding everyone else s movement. For that they should have all been fined or arrested depending on their laws. In my state its an arrestable offense. If no one included the closing of that street before the protest then that is breaking the law.
    It is their right to say they dont like the way the government does things, but its also not right to clog up streets that people use to do commerce and then go loot businesses..

    1. Most of the confrontations were well into the night after rush hour and it was the Police blocking off streets. Regardless, traffic jams don't justify tear gassing people's front yards, pointing ARs at people, and stopping journalists from reporting. As for looting, the local community did a ton to prevent that by Church leaders removing trouble makers and cleaning up local businesses at 5am.

      Here's two signs you've fucked up handling a protest in America: 1. When Amnesty International shows up to observe, and 2. When "for their safety" you need to remove the media from the scene. Vice News, one of the outlets covering it, has reporters in Ukraine who've been shot at, kidnapped, and beaten; they're still on the ground in Ukraine reporting. The journalist in Missouri probably have more combat experience than 90% of the police. If you, the Police, need to remove them for their safety, you're either hiding something or you've managed to create an environment worse than Iraq. Either isn't American.

    2. The problem is, the media and federal government have taken sides in the affair.
      The City, County and State are on the other side.

  5. I'm a pretty extreme ultra libertarian
    But I have no tolerance for rioters/protesters.

    These people aren't interested in the issue, they are interested in a few days of lawless looting, raping and murdering, with a bit of arson thrown in for kicks.

    I'd shoot the lot of them.

    If they were interested in changing anything, they'd be out organizing voters.

    1. bullshit. you have a problem with the protests because you're so fucking pro police you can't see straight. the issue is irrelevant. when you saw the Tea Party protests i never heard you say one fucking word about wanting to shoot the lot of them. you never accused the protesters of raping and pillaging.

      either you're a fucking racists or you're a fucking pathetic little man that can't be consistent in his beliefs.

      oh and make no mistake dumbass. you handle this wrong and the protesters that you want to shoot on the spot will be shooting back you limey bastard.

    2. Pro police is so far off base its not even funny.
      My only commentary about any anti police violence has been regarding the tactical Timmy or not nature of the ambushes.
      If you want to pop a Leo go right ahead, just don't do it outside my office, supermarket, train station or house.

      The Tea party protests are radically different, because they had a goal. They have elected representatives at every level.
      Where are the Fergussan against police brutality candidates? If they exist are are challenging the incumbants electorally, awesome. Do they exist?
      Was there any violence at the initial tea party rallies?

      I'm perfectly consistent
      The people I care about are the law abiding people who'll wake up and come downstairs, to find their windows have been smashed. To find they can't get to work because their car has been torched.
      To find their insurance doesn't cover riot damage, or gas a considerable copay, sorry kids, no Christmas this year, Santa's had to buy daddy a new car. Or sorry kids, we're going to have to go live with grandad, the store where mommy works isn't reopening and we can't afford the rent, you'll make new friends at a new school.

      They are the people I care about, not brain dead rioters or heavy handed Leos

      I'll leave you to ponder the merit of calling me limey racist ;)

  6. These people aren't just angry over this one event. This is the "straw that broke the camel's back." Whether justified or not ( without personal knowledge, I have to agree with the Grand Jury ) people in this and many other black communities are just fed-up with being treated as second-class citizens. Yes, there are reasons for the way things were handled, etc. but this is about perceptions, not the truth.

    We can debate the "truth" of this issue, whether the shooting was justified etc. but the truth is, that if tension didn't already exist between the populace and the cops, this might have passed.

    The thing that pisses me off (and it was commented on above) is how outside actors are using this as a way to further their aims. People that don't give a shit for the people of Ferguson suddenly "are outraged" so they can get their mug in the paper.

    I agree that this is a no-win for the cops but this is the logical conclusion to what choices they have been making up to now. As a mental exercise, how would this have been handled in a city with better race relations between the cops and the citizenry? How would this have been handled if it had been in Baghdad between an American and a local?

  7. You know what my opinion about this is?

    MEH... a big fucking "meh"...

    Want to know why? Weve seen instance after instance of egregious police corruption and brutish behavior, treating the poor and minorities like an occupying army in a prole ghetto. From mentally disabled people getting beaten to death, to furgeson, to people being sodomized in subways, to other countless events.

    Im not a religious person, but to make a point, you reap the seeds you sow, right?

    The French revolution and the terror in paris began with events such as those going in in America right now: widening wealth gaps, apathetic and corrupt courts, brutish law enforcement, unfulfilled expectations, etc. Some have argued we are way overdue. I cannot disagree with them.

  8. I grew up in St.Louis and graduated high school in Ferguson. I admittedly have not lived there in 20+ years but I have friends and family there. They have been telling me that the vast majority of the protests period--violent or peaceful--are not locals at all. Ferguson is a mostly black suburb. Suburb, not inner-city. Most residents middle class, not poor. Ferguson cops have a reputation of being rude and disrespectful to both whites and blacks. That is why there weren't a lot of pro-cop supporters locally. Gun sales in Ferguson are thru the roof as everybody is expecting St.Louis county to go Mogadishu any moment. Recipe for violence?: the stew is cooked already and ready to serve.
    Forgotten in all of this: the right to a fair trial, and being innocent until proven guilty. The cop may have been a complete prick, may even be prejudiced, but being an A-hole doesn't mean you are guilty of murder.But we are all judging the cop by our own feeling about cops in general; if we have had bad experiences we assume a racist cop like the ones we have dealt with just shot a kid. If you know a lot a good cop or feel safer when you see a patrol car, then you will see a huge dude high on weed was reaching for the cop's gun.
    If the cop is guilty then everything is going to be fine and justice is done. If guilty of killing a teen just because he could, then I hope he becomes a prison bitch. If he is innocent, then he is STILL going to prison because if he doesn't get indicted by the locals the feds will indict him in response to the riot that is about to happen. Remember the LA riots. Same thing happened; cops found not guilty, riot occurs, cops go to federal prison. Their Part of me hopes the Ferguson cop is guilty. Because if he really was just defending himself, and he goes to prison, then we have become a country ruled by media and protest groups, not the civil rights provided by the constitution. THE LAW MUST BE FOR EVERYONE OR IT IS MEANINGLESS. If he is innocent then putting him away doesn't even things up for cops that have killed innocent people. It simply puts another innocent man in jail.
    . Notice something: everyone talks either murder or self-defense. No one on either side has mentioned a very likely third option: a very tragic mistake. The suspect may have made a move meant to escape but the cop misinterpreted it to be aggressive and shot thinking he was in danger. A tragedy but not a crime. But instead we have all become the mob be it pro or anti cop. That is why we have jury trials. Because not everything is guilty or innocent; in the USA we don't give "innocent" verdicts, we give "not guilty" because sometimes tragedies happen.
    Yes we need to de-militarize the police., Yes we stil have some racial conflict. But "getting even" isn't a moral stand. The law screws up sometimes. Recently it seems they have screwed the pooch more than once, making swat raids on non-violent, non-drug felonies is becoming a nationwide problem. But that means all Americans must fight harder to take on overzealous prosecutors, and pass laws that put restrictions on police behavior. The US needs to look harder at laws meant to fight drug cartels and terrorism being perverted against it's citizens. But we must not change our fundamental belief in the rights men bled and died for.
    As a people, We should neither assume the cop is innocent or guilty. That is up to the law. Law based on the Constitution. The people are part of the law as members of a jury. If the law fails, it should fail because juries aren't perfect-because people aren't perfect, not because we are all putting people on trial in the media..
    I apologize Solomon, if I ran a bit long. But I have a friend who lives there, and I have strong beliefs the rights of US citizens. Both my friend and my faith in this country are in the crosshairs of Ferguson.

    1. Can you elaborate on that?

      Just kidding, that's a great take on the situation.


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