Sunday, November 16, 2014

Get ready for the Syrian war....US style.

via Jerusalem Online.
US President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor asked the President to present a new strategy for the war against IS, after reaching the understanding that the current method has failed. According to the reports, the only way in order to defeat Islamic State is to overthrow Assad as well and that it is not possible to operate against the terror group in both Iraq and Syria separately.

Over the last week, the National Security Council held four meetings in the White House, which was attended by top officials including President Barack Obama and US Secretary of State John Kerry. “The purpose of these meetings was to examine how we are going to coordinate our strategy against IS in Syria. The President asked how to examine how things so they fit together. The long war in Syria together with the desire to defeat IS was until now separated and it was not the correct action,” a senior level US official stated.
Regarding the Civil War in Syria, Washington, DC had hoped that training and arming moderate rebels to fight against IS will also allow them to defeat Assad, but this strategy has not proved itself on the ground. The moderate rebels have been fighting on two fronts, both against Assad and the Islamists, resulting in them failing to effectively fight against both. “Ultimately, the Iraq first strategy did not work,” the senior level source stated.
“The Syrian opposition has proven that it cannot deal with IS, which is still in northern Syria despite the incessant fighting,” he stated. One of the options now under consideration is the establishment of restricted flight zones south of the Turkish border or changing the support for moderate rebels to include increased US assistance.
Just fucking wow.

An expanded war in Syria with no one looking at worse case scenarios, the cost of rebuilding this nation will be on our shoulders alone...And in the end the Middle East will be as fucked up as it always has been.

What do I recommend?  Pull out the lawn chairs, crack open a bottle and watch the shit burn.

More combat in the Middle East?  We're going to go broke fighting for people that won't fight for themselves.  This shit needs to stop! 


  1. It looks like USA does not refuse their strategic plan implied Assad's regime fall. Deep respect. The main aim – destroy current government to open way for islsmists, like it was done in
    Iraq, whose is turned to be half-ISIS state now. So, initially help ISIS to expand more in Syria, then add Egypt and Algeria (may be Turkey), then burn Shiit Iran, then push all this in the Central Asia to strike at once to Russia, India and China through the region. And at the same time sit on the top of the world and bla-bla-bla about “free world” and “LBGT rights”.

    1. Atleast we all know which country will not fall to this "simultaneous strike". India. How many beers did you have before posting this ?

    2. yeah i get what you're saying dude. a few more comments like the one above and i'll start showing my ugly american side (we had t-shirts made that we wore on shore leave with that on them) to the shit talkers on this blog.

  2. I threw up in my mouth a little when I read that. War in Syria seriously risks war with Iran, plus Putin could drive his tanks to Kiev in retaliation for toppling his ally. Removing Assad by force is not worth the potential amount of blood and treasure we'd have to waste.

    1. that's the part i can't understand. i thought Obama was about to give away the store to get the Iranians aboard. now this? we're taking sides in a religious war between Shia and Sunni. we don't need the headache, we don't need the spilled blood and lost treasure.

      we just don't need to be involved.

      the best case scenario? we get out of the way and the Arabs go to war against each other and we get to watch the fire works. worst case? each side arms up to the gills, they both develop nuclear weapons and then they either nuke Israel, gives nukes to terrorists and attack us, or they nuke each other. i could live with them nuking each other but since they like to always blame the west for their stupidity you know we're gonna get blowback.

    2. @Putin could drive his tanks to Kiev in retaliation for toppling his ally. Removing Assad by force is not worth the potential am @

      Kiev? I guess no, current situation is win-win for Putin, I see no reason to change it. Azerbaijan is more possible aim or Uzbekistan.

    3. Yea, a big no to letting them get nukes. A "3 Seconds After" scenario is too dangerous. It's bad enough we are letting North Korea get away with it (What the fuck is South Korea waiting for? NK is not going to fall naturally, and the longer they wait, the more dangerous they become. They should have told the US to leave a long time ago, rapidly built up a very large army, and beat the hell out of the North.)

      Overall, screw the ME.

  3. I like to read about an express delivery of HQ9 ou S400 in Syria...

    1. how many russian servicemen already in syria ?

    2. "how many russian servicemen already in syria ? "

      i tought ISIS was private military company from russia?

    3. Very laughtable, knowing that ISIS is an advantage for USA/Israel

  4. Democrats are a so full of shit, can anyone explain me how supporting the Muslim brotherhood backed rebels, the weakest faction in the Syrian war is going to end in the defeat of ISIS and the establishment of a rational secular democracy in Syria? Because I simply can’t. Dems are pure evil.

  5. O. K. So now on top of Iran, we have ISIS, ISIL, Al Queada, Hezbollah, The Muslim Brotherhood and Assad as enemies in Syria?
    Can I ask an obvious question?
    Well two obvious questions.

  6. The US is being led by the most complete group of imbeciles, retards and idiots ever assembled together in one place in the history of the world.
    democrat, republican and libertarian, they are all as was stated in another blog, two floppy shoes shy of being fully dressed clowns.
    Fit only to use as fertilizer for kudzu.

  7. so , america is doing what saudi told them to do ? this is so dejavu , just like the ancient corrupt roman goverment selling their service and their military might to other nations at war...


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