Saturday, November 01, 2014

I'm calling it. Africa is going to be a battlefield...the rush for resources has started.

via Shepherd of the Gurneys...
Now, a representative of MSF/DWB is saying there are more dead just in Sierra Leone, than the current reported total of Ebola deaths worldwide.
(For reference, Sierra Leone currently reports 1500 deaths, and the world total is 13,703.)
Barcelona (AFP) - Ebola has wiped out whole villages in Sierra Leone and may have caused many more deaths than the nearly 5,000 official global toll, a senior coordinator of the medical aid group MSF said Friday.
Rony Zachariah of Doctors Without Borders, known by its French initials MSF, said after visiting Sierra Leone that the Ebola figures were "under-reported", in an interview with AFP on the sidelines of a medical conference in Barcelona.
"The situation is catastrophic. There are several villages and communities that have been basically wiped out. In one of the villages I went to, there were 40 inhabitants and 39 died," he said.
The World Health Organization (WHO) published revised figures on Friday showing 4,951 people have died of Ebola and there was a total of 13,567 reported cases.
"The WHO says there is a correction factor of 2.5, so maybe it is 2.5 times higher and maybe that is not far from the truth. It could be 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000," said Zachariah.
He stressed that "whole communities have disappeared but many of them are not in the statistics. The situation on the ground is actually much worse."
"Whole communities have disappeared..."
We're not going to stop Ebola over there. The possibility is long past. That option is toast. And very shortly, the afflicted countries will be too.
Do you get the force of connection here?

Consider.  The UK sent a force to Sierra Leone.  We have heard jack squat from them since their arrival.

Consider.  The US has sent the 101st to Liberia.  We have heard jack squat from them.

If we're seeing this type of stuff from open source materials then those in charge have much better visibility.  Remember.  Our UN Representative just left that region and is now back.

I'm calling it.  Africa is going to be a battlefield.  A disease has removed the thorny issue of what to do with the indigenous people and now the race for resources is on.

The only question is whether China feels confident enough to stop a power play by the US and Western European powers.


  1. re: the rush for resources has started.

    SecState Kerry, Jan 24, 2013
    Now, with respect to China and Africa, China is all over Africa, I mean all over Africa. And they're buying up long-term contracts on minerals, on -- I mean, you name it. And there are some places where we're not in the game, folks. I mean, I hate to say it. And we got to get at it. But it takes a little bit of resourcing. Believe me, somebody's paying for those folks to be over there, and somebody's investing in their investment of time.

    Mar 12, 2013
    New Chinese President Xi aims to paint Africa red
    The fact that China's incoming president, Xi Jinping, is set to visit Africa on his first foreign trip is a strong indication of where Sino-African relations are headed.

    1. The Chinese have the population reservoir to repopulate Africa. Even in the face of Ebola.

    2. That works both ways.
      We still don't know where Ebola comes from.
      So that merely imports Ebola to China, sooner or later.
      Match, meet gasoline.
      Now imagine Ebola in Hong Kong or Shanghai, with population densities that are huge, in teeming slum hordes.

      China problem solved for decades.

  2. I believe the US as are other nations are seeing the mass depopulation of large parts of Africa as a chance to maybe get there and hold ground, if not for the resources then to prevent them being taken over by weakened Africa governments.
    I believe they are as Aesop said, attempting to guard the safes aboard the Titanic though and that well before anyone can steal the treasures of Africa their nations will be just as weak and in danger of being over run as any in Africa.
    Remember what kills in an Ebola outbreak,
    1. Incompetence.
    2. Stupidity.
    3. Unprofessional behavior.
    and most dangerous,

  3. so the real cause of US military deployment in africa now slowly exposed ,,, after all the hoopla about boko haram and now ebola.. it is hard not to think someone invented these events.. the word weaponized ebola might be more true than anyone realized, and the folks who released these are not the usual suspects like ISIS or other muslim terrorist but a certain nation who need justification to enter africa...

    1. Any Nation unknown and unmentioned that feels the need to enter another nation militarily does not need justification.
      Those Nations will simply do it and then STFU about it.
      To blame any Nation for mass genocide for resources that could be had cheaper and cleaner and using Bio War is stupid. There is no need.
      Ebola if weaponized would be a much better killer than it is now, and easier to cure and have a vaccine.
      Other wise it's like a fully loaded run away machine gun as dangerous to the user as to the enemy.
      The governments of the West African nations are going to crumble and the area become un governed tribal areas civilization will fall, other African Nations are more likely to invade and take over than other nations, every nation now has some force in or around Africa, the U.K., China, Russia and many Euro nations.
      There is no one nation involved.

  4. With the disease wiping out whole villages, you will see basic civil order collapse.

    Teachers, policemen, clergy, business owners, even the neighborhood trash collector. And when that happens, you will see cascading failures in sanitation, leadership, law and order.

    Then comes the diseases that usually kill people: dysentery, typhus, cholera, malaria.

    If Ebola continues to double the number of cases every two weeks and they get 1.4 million cases by January 2015, then you will see several millions die from other diseases, break downs in law and order, loss of access to food and clean water, etc.

    This is bad voodoo

    1. I see a return to tribal pre colonial Africa. It may fall right back into the stone age with modern weapons.
      Darkest Africa will return.

  5. "A disease has removed the thorny issue of what to do with the indigenous people." inhuman can you get.

    1. sometimes it pays to cut off your right and wrong switches and simply analyze what is infront of you. this was one of those times. i could have perhaps worded it better but your reactions proves that i got my point across.

      not only will these nations be begging for US and Western intervention, they'll welcome it ... and since we'll be offering great terms for modernization then they'll eat that up.

    2. They will beg the US/Europe for Security.
      They will beg the Chinese for Infrastructure.
      They will beg India for the Medicines.

      If only Business was this simple Solomon. I am going to disagree with you on this one. You may sound logical and pragmatic on this current African crisis but logic and pragmatism do not accompany each and every single decision. Suppose instead of West Africa....this disease was destroying Israel or for that matter the Japanese....would you still wait for them to...."Beg" to you ? Would you still think with your previous pragmatism that goided your decision making knowning full well that this time it is not a 2 dollar a day african country, its a per capita 65,000 dollar a year near and dear ally ?

    3. its not the same. and your example of Israel is bullshit (not mad just saying). the defense of Israel is part of my upbringing as a Christian. its part of my moral code just like defending the US is. but lets say its country XYZ...location immaterial. would my reaction be cold and calculating? you bet your ass. i am so tired of the US leading with its heart instead of doing cost benefit calculations with regard to whether our intervention is a good idea.

  6. Indian home ministry awards contract to build 2000km of roads bordering China to JAIC, Japan. This is getting interesting.

    1. I did not hear about this update. Thanks....i'll check it out. By the way, shouldnt you be posting this on the other blog post where Solomon directly compares India and China ?

  7. Watch US Army and UK Army troops get beat down, Remember Somalia?


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