via YNETnews.
While declining to go into detail about the closed-door discussions, Steinitz cited misgivings about whether the F-35's range, payload and manoeuvrability would suit Israel's needs. The Israelis are also husbanding a defense budget which, though buoyed by some $3 billion in annual US grants, faces cuts.I've been getting bombed with the news that the F-35 was going to be bought in fewer numbers than the Israeli Air Force wanted.
Other concerns include the fact the jet's electronic systems are American-made, and Israel will not be able to equip it with Israeli-made systems. This would also have ramifications on exports of the Israeli Military Industry to foreign air forces.
The Americans can also supervise the use made of the plane, which led Britain to threaten to cancel its purchase.
The decision is a blow to the security establishment and to the Air Force. According to ministers who took part in the discussions, this is the first time in years the ministerial committee refuses to automatically approve a defense purchase request.
The ministers were angry that the defense establishment announced the purchase as a "done deal."
Considering the way that the Obama Administration has acted toward the Israeli State...the fact that the Israeli Prime Minister would probably like to toss another brick in the window of the administration...I initially blew this off to politics.
Then I re-read the article.
"...Misgivings about whether the F-35's range, payload and manoeuverability would suit Israel's needs..."That is a damning indictment of the F-35.
Additionally though it adds to the confusion surrounding the program. If this is how they really feel about the airplane then what is prompting them to purchase any of them?
My guess? Politics. Supposed ties to the US military and intel communities. And probably a desire to get their hands on one so that they can do an accurate assessment of capabilities that will be in the hands of Turkey and possibly other Muslim nations in the region.