Saturday, November 01, 2014

One Marine for 11 million illegals?

via AP
A Mexican judge ordered the immediate release of a jailed U.S. Marine veteran who spent eight months behind bars for crossing the border with loaded guns.
The judge on Friday called for retired Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi (Tah-mor-EE-si) to be freed because of his mental state and did not make a determination on the illegal arms charges against the Afghanistan veteran diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a Mexican official who had knowledge of the ruling but was not authorized to give his name.
This is hard.

A Marine is freed and while I'm happy about that I can't cheer.  Why?  Because I get the sense...and no I can't prove it...but I get the sense that this was a move that was made purely for political expediency.

How would it look to grant 11 million (or more) illegal aliens amnesty while one of our own was being held on trumped up charges?

Just like the Bergdahl trade, I think we might have paid too high a price.


  1. Fuck these mother fuckers, they purposely let our brother sit in that cell into they decided they needed his release, 3 days before the mid term elections.... Narcissistic bastard, on the battlefield is one thing use lives to obtain a goal, but using them to bolster a bullshit political stance, is deplorable and criminal. These "people", use these young boys and girls as commodities, i am sooo pissed. The, house that is white, could have had that young man released anytime they wanted, but they wait to now...? That is not right.

    I will say it again their needs to be veteran run political body, star-ship troopers baby....

    1. totally agree Will. the thing that has my head spinning is that they can't see how far off they are. they thought that heart strings would be hit when they talked about child illegals and they were wrong. they thought that vets would be happy with Bergdahl, they were wrong. they thought ISIS was a jv team. wrong. and now this, Ebola, Ukraine, Iran...they're so wrong it hurts but they continue to blame the masses when the issue is them, not us.

    2. oh and a "service means citizenship" would be so cool, so right, and so awesome i can't even state it properly.

    3. You know that the starships citizenship drive you inevitably toward facism ?
      It's the pitch of the movie..

    4. Solomon, what could be "service means citzenship"?

    5. Fabsther first read the book and after you can comment on Heinlein.

      "Service means citizenship" (trought mainlly civil service IMO) would highly increase the quality of the governance by far.

      Want an example why? Look yourself how many people have seen the Debate between the candidates for for the european comission presidency

  2. Fabsther read the book instead of the movie which saw the director try to stuff his own political views in there.

    1. It's not the book, but the movie that was quoted... so the book could be awesome, it's out of scope...

    2. And I can bet that the writer try to stuff his own advice in his book...
      Personnaly I believe that service must be mandatory ( conscription ) but not linked to citizenship.
      This is simple : if all your citizen are warrior, don't expect your country doesn't become aggressive, imperialistic...Or in other words : facist

    3. bullshit. the only people that rush from war to war are either politicians or military leaders looking for bigger budgets.

      NOT the people who actually have to fight them. that's another meme that needs to be taken out back, shot in the head, dragged to the river and held under until its legs stop moving.

  3. Totally timed with the mid-term election.

  4. Involuntary conscription is dangerous to a state and the civilian body. When state trains citizens with deadly technology who are disfranchised because they are being called into service against their wishes you are only creating a future problem. Conscription is fine when the most advanced thing on a battlefield is a spear or a crossbow, but when you start talking about weapons that can kill in mass from IED's, MANPADS or something even more sinister, should a state really hand that tech over to a disenfranchised post pubescent...? Moreover, professional warriors, kill smaller amounts of civilians, so if preserving a society is your goal then professional warriors are the best option.

    What the fuck does this mean: "This is simple : if all your citizen are warrior, don't expect your country doesn't become aggressive, imperialistic...Or in other words : fascist"

    If you had a system of conscription in place idiot then all of your citizens would be warriors, would they not? What do you think a fascist is other than an American, please enlighten me?


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