Tuesday, November 25, 2014

SAUR 2 8x8 APC.

Note:  Defense News has an article up discussing Romanian plans to invite private investors into their defense industry.  Read the story here.  What caught my attention was a pic of the Saur 2 8x8.  If nothing else its an interesting vehicle.  Romanian Defense Industry Website.


  1. i'm pretty sure it will die, as desired by everyone (except the millitary and the ones that made it....), then they will import third hand trash, as with the f-16, at prices higher than new ones...
    if someone gives the order we might aswell help the US to get rid of the Strikers to make room for a new APC fleet.......

  2. This is a crowded marketplace. Everyone is taking out a new armored 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8 vehicle and those that aren ot are modifying proven platforms. I wouldnt be surprised if some South American or African country actually came up with a modified M8 Greyhound even, or one of those old BRDM-1 with belly wheels.

  3. http://stirileprotv.ro/video/armata-romana-testeaza-un-blindat-transportorul-militar-va-fi-testat-cu-explozibil-video-cu-momentul.html/61602617

    that's a test for ANOTHER APC, "TBT 8X8" which should be the equivalent of VBCI/BOXER (non-amphibious) (SAUR 2 is amphibious)


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