Monday, November 03, 2014

SEAL community finally tones down its act.

via Daily Beast.
He speaks with wistful bitterness of how in the aftermath of No Easy Day’s publication, he reached out to that SEAL Team 6 commander who fashioned the fake headstone to explain that he’d never intended to put out anything that would endanger his teammates.
The Navy captain responded to the text from Bissonnette with the words, “Delete me.”

Ahead of the publication of his latest book, the current head of all Navy SEALs, Rear Adm. Brian Losey, repeated that sentiment in a letter to the community that seemed timed for Bissonnette’s 60 Minutes appearance this weekend—and the advertised appearance of a SEAL who calls himself “The Shooter” who is slated to appear talking about the raid on Fox News later this month.
“A critical tenant of our ethos is ‘I do not advertise the nature of my work nor seek recognition for my actions,’” says the letter obtained by The Daily Beast, signed by both Losey and the SEAL Force Master Chief M.L. Magaraci.
“Violators of our ethos are neither teammates in good standing, nor teammates who represent Naval Special Warfare. We do not abide willful or selfish disregard for our core values in return for public notoriety and financial gain, which only diminishes otherwise honorable service.”
The letter goes on to say “All members exposed to classified information have a duty to protect this information, regardless of what may be reflected in the media, accurately or otherwise,” and finishes by saying the command will seek judicial consequences against those who “willfully violate the law and place our teammates, our families and potential future operations at risk.”
I find this fascinating.

Early on I was slamming the way that the SEALs all seemed to be attention seekers.  I compared how working with Green Berets was a painless, enjoyable experience (well as enjoyable as an op can be) ... How Rangers were just confused Marines and how Navy SEALs always came off as too cool for school.

When the former Top SEAL and SOCOM Commander McRaven was doing his "around the world tour" and then was confronted by a retired US Army Green Beret General, who admonished him for being in the public eye so much...while a room full of reporters laughed at the weathered old snake eater, my stomach turned.

Now we have this.

The SEAL Community has turned on one of their own because he published a book on the Bin Laden raid.

I wonder what made this one book too many?  I wonder why it suddenly became an organization that works in the shadows?  I wonder what happened to have them finally get the message that an old, retired, two star snake eater was trying to get across to them.

I don't know what happened or why, but it really looks like the SEAL community is toning down its act.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is offtopic, but since you play computer games and also a military vet, how does this picture makes you feel?

    There is quite a bit of drama stirring up over the internets over this. The screenshot is from the latest Call of Duty game.

  3. The SEAL flap is an intramural pissing contest. They've had no problem over Chris Kyle or Lone Survivor PR blitzes; they're going after one guy because he isn't toeing the party line. It's pure political BS.

    Could the Budweiser Brigade stand to be a little more action, and a lot less mouth?
    Say, for a decade or two?

    But the current flap is just them getting pissy about things, because the guy went off the reservation.
    It's a little late to try and squeeze the PR overexposure toothpaste back into the tube.

    The first rule of Fight Club...

  4. Perfect...

  5. LOVE that one, TR!

    Re: The OP - It's about time they STFU!

  6. It's more than likely that the SEAL's OBL book is propaganda. It would explain a great many things.

    There are a number of very serious questions concerning the raid and the later deaths of SEAL Team 6 members (who were allegedly not on the raid) - the latter issue being brought up by their family members who supposedly read the after action reports. Ex-Reagan Administration Assistant Treasury Sec, and former editor of the Wall Street Journal, Dr Paul Craig Roberts, who has made a number of correct calls on the US economy and geopolitical strategy pointed out that the official account of the OBL raid is simply not credible - and is contradicted by witnesses on the ground - who saw the crash of the only helicopter to land, in which there were no survivors. The claims by OBL's daughter concerning what happened is also more than likely part of the propaganda effort.

    The various details about the raid are a fairy story, IMO, organised by people of a similar bent to those that made up the Iraq WMD story (note: the Niger yellowcake document did not forge itself).

    Please listen to this interview entitled Obama's SEAL Team 6 Cover-Up and tough it out til the end before making judgements. The sound in the first 6 minutes is problematic although perfectly understandable ... after 6 minutes it's good. The most important thing here is the assessment of the situation and the evidence cited:

    I don't know how this comment will be taken, but I can assure you I am only posting this material with the best of intentions. I don't like to be fooled. I hope no one here likes to be tricked either. The information summarised in the clip is strongly worth checking out. I prefer that our highly trained and motivated forces are not being wasted on literal dead end missions or deployments.

    1. i can't speak for anyone else but i'll definitely listen to it. again speaking for myself a few things about the raid, the timeframe for the disposal of the body after testing the DNA...alot of it just didn't seem credible. listening doesn't mean agreeing but i believe in grabbing nuggets of truth from various sources.

    2. Thanks Sol, I closely follow geopolitical issues and I know for a fact that things are often not as straightforward as we've been told.


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