Monday, November 17, 2014

So how good is the Chinese VT-4 Main Battle Tank?

Check this out via EnglishPeople'sDaily.
According to Western military publications, the VT-4 is equipped with an electronic-controlled diesel engine with 1,200 horsepower, giving the tank a cruise speed of 68 kilo-meters per hour. Its main gun is a 125-mm smoothbore that can fire various shells,including a kinetic energy penetrator and high explosive anti-tank warhead. In addition, itcan also fire anti-tank missiles with a maximum range of 5,000meters.
"It has an advanced fire-control system, a new-type active protection system and a state-of-the-art fully automatic transmission device," he said. "In addition, the inter-unitnetwork connects commanders of tanks and armored vehicles under a combat group,enabling them to share battlefield data in real time."
The VT-4 can compete with any first-class tank used by Western militaries such as theUnited States' M1A2 Abrams and Germany's Leopard 2A6, Liu said, adding that Russia'sT-90 is no match for the Chinese tank in terms of technology.
This is the first time that I'm hearing good news coming out of the Chinese govt/military.

If the tank actually can compete with the M1A2 Abrams and Leopard 2A6 then thats one thing...but I doubt it.  And that's where the good news comes in.  We're seeing the first hint of hubris in Chinese pronouncements.

Arrogance makes you lazy.  You don't work as hard.  I look forward to an arrogant China.  They'll be easier to bloody up properly if they believe their propagandist.