Monday, November 17, 2014

So how good is the Chinese VT-4 Main Battle Tank?

Check this out via EnglishPeople'sDaily.
According to Western military publications, the VT-4 is equipped with an electronic-controlled diesel engine with 1,200 horsepower, giving the tank a cruise speed of 68 kilo-meters per hour. Its main gun is a 125-mm smoothbore that can fire various shells,including a kinetic energy penetrator and high explosive anti-tank warhead. In addition, itcan also fire anti-tank missiles with a maximum range of 5,000meters.
"It has an advanced fire-control system, a new-type active protection system and a state-of-the-art fully automatic transmission device," he said. "In addition, the inter-unitnetwork connects commanders of tanks and armored vehicles under a combat group,enabling them to share battlefield data in real time."
The VT-4 can compete with any first-class tank used by Western militaries such as theUnited States' M1A2 Abrams and Germany's Leopard 2A6, Liu said, adding that Russia'sT-90 is no match for the Chinese tank in terms of technology.
This is the first time that I'm hearing good news coming out of the Chinese govt/military.

If the tank actually can compete with the M1A2 Abrams and Leopard 2A6 then thats one thing...but I doubt it.  And that's where the good news comes in.  We're seeing the first hint of hubris in Chinese pronouncements.

Arrogance makes you lazy.  You don't work as hard.  I look forward to an arrogant China.  They'll be easier to bloody up properly if they believe their propagandist.


  1. Probably much more reliable and much less fuel hungry (and spares hungry) than the M-1.

    1. It's really not that hard to be less fuel hungry then M1. It's hard to be more fuel hungry the M1.

  2. I call Bullshit on this type of "Positioning" of this tank vs. the T90. Its a sales gimmick to a very select bunch of countries. Allow me to explain-

    First, praising this tanks abilities vs. western systems becasue the countries you are aiming to export are on the "Bad List" of the said western countries and might actually have to face off against those western tanks one day. Like Syria against USA(Abrams) or Iran against USA(Abrams) or Pakistan against India (Leopard derived Arjun coupled with the T90).

    Secondly, where does a "Bad List" country do its arms shopping when western countries shun it ?......Russia. Which produces the T90 as a direct competitor to this MBT3000 and hence the need diss the T90. Very droll China, very droll.

    Thirdly, never trust a system whose designation goes into the thousands.....MBT3000.....seriously? Is that the name of Shanghai's leading DJ ? Powerman 5000 anyone ? VT4 Skrillex ?

    And finally as TrT had mentioned in the earlier blog about this type of Tank. Countries may feel happy to buy this tank at first, but if they are not backed up by a decent supply line then all it will lead to is a mothballing/cannibalization of an already small fleet which these countries ultimately end up buying.

    1. And at least you know that the T-90 enjoys support from two major countries which will soon have a fleet of around 3,000 between the two, several smaller countries, and is based on the very successful T-72, probably with quiet a bit of part commonality. And that is in service all over the place, in enormous quantities.

      I find it hard too see what the MBT-3000 has that makes it worth buying over the T72 or T90, and how they can possibly compete in terms of pricing when we are looking at such large volumes of T-90s being produced.

      In terms of new tanks, I think the only viable off the shelve options there are for countries that do not produce their own, is probably the T72/T90, the Turkish Altay (which are too be fielded in large numbers and have upgrades), I would like to say the Indian Arjun but I don't see it being produced in large numbers and the lack of domestic support is concerning. The Leopard is very nice but very expensive new, and the M1A2 has serious problems...

      The T72/T90 is probably the most cost effective and safest bet, followed by the Altay which is going to be in mass production with low unit costs for quiet some time, and is going to have many upgrades... Leo/Abrams are not cheap, and have problems, plus in some ways the T90 has much better performance (EW,Counter-measures, sensors, better cannon, cannon-atgms, low profile etc..etc..)..

    2. On the Arjun you are right. We cant sell stuff we dont or the Army doesnt believe in. Which is sad because the Arjun Mk2 is a fine tank.

  3. "a new-type active protection system"

    So they had an "old type" somewhere? And I don't see any active system on this tank... anyone see it?

    1. Shas, the active protection system being refered to here is probably a Zampolit tied up to the hull of the tank as a stand off exploding screen. An excellent use of politics if i may say.

  4. Well maybe it can compete with Leo 2A6 and M1A2 by being cheaper. Though 100 practically new 2A6 tanks in a full package with spare parts, ammo, simulators, training and support cost FDF 200 million €.

  5. Unrelated news, looks like Israel is back tracking a bit on its second order of F35s.

  6. Anyone notice that the main gun was not stabilized?

  7. Oh wow you are right, and the turret rotates extremely slowly... Getting a north korea, fake weapons vibe....


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