Thursday, November 13, 2014

Space X Dragon version 2 (pic).

Can't quite tell the dimensions but it appears to be substantially larger than version 1 (below).


  1. both dragon capsules are listed as the same size 20 feet in height 12 feet wide. which makes sense as both use the Falcon 9 rocket family
    although I suspect the mass and service models of the crewed version will differ greatly from the resupply version.


    What do you think Sol? I think this is desperation, and not a good sign for UK Armed Forces.

  3. offtopic

    This photo was published recently on the Russian main government TV channel (another words – it is an official statement by fact). It was said to be photo of USA’s (!!!!) satellite of the moment when Ukrainian aircraft downed Boeing.

    1. Interesting. An image like that could be easily faked though.

    2. Fake.

      - Dutch investigation team after checking the parts of plane that were secure from the crash site claim that plane was hit by multiple small objects from FRONT. In that angle missile would hit engine if it would be heat tracking or middle of hull/tail if it would be radar guided. It's no way that missile would turn hard right, circle the plane and hit it from front.

      - Number of hits negate use of small heat seeking missile as it would not give you enough shrapnel's to do this. This type of damage are rather specialty of large ground to air type missiles.

      - Russians claim that they detect Su-25 not... it's look more like Su-27. Of course that was impossible for Su-25 to climb on that level but that's different story.

      - Picture is too good... way too good. The recon sat would need to "concentrate" it's lens on this small area to receive that quality picture.

    3. i think it is a mig 29 with polish merc pilot in it.. as usual the poles are stupid enough to be used as tools by america in ukraine.. it will blow back to poland in near future, thus thats why the polish leaders all scream help to USA

    4. MiG 29 with Polish mercenary pilot... lol that's make my day :D :D :D :D

      Don't "think" more, your are not good in that. :D

    5. haha, you think you would make a good mercenary ?

    6. Pan Shas, it can be image from recon drone. And launch of a rocket (as we see on the image) does not mean a hit (it could be unguided rocket).

    7. @Sarabvir
      You know what, I have no idea... I serve my time in mechanized infantry brigade, I know how to use assault rifle, handguns and BWP main gun, know how to use RPG, and from time to time practice to be in trigger shape. Know the basic, know the stuff, not that old, I would need to work on my shape... but I don't know.


      To high to be a Predator drone, Global Hawk have smaller "photo sector" then satellite then he would need to be directly in above that place and wait for that situation to picture it.

      This whole "revelation" is full of holes like good Swiss cheese. Give you point by point some things.

      - Russian reporter (he is know Kreml propagandist but let's us leave that and go to the facts) write that this is a MiG-29 but we both know this is not the shape of MiG but Sukhoi. Most of that family planes have very similar shape then I would not determine what Su, of course some model of 27 but you know what I mean.

      - He write that first that plane "tear of bow of airliner by cannon fire"... this is impossible, this is not a laser or chainsword to tear something, especially large piece of plane like whole bow. And then he finish it with missile... but on the picture we see the start of missile (weird start but that in next point) and the Airliner is still in one piece, not to mention nothing was tear of from it. Of course also the angle of fighter make impossible to shoot to airliner with cannon fire... speed of both planes, position in space, range and stuff. Just... NO. Not to mention with speed of both planes fighter pilot would had mere seconds to "tear of" bow from airliner.

      - From that range fighter would use a R-73 missile as standard short range one for Ex-Warsaw Pact forces. But it is know that R-73 rocket engine create huge smoke trail. Because this is the engine way to work and second that this help pilot see the missile when it attack from close range enemy. But this is very close range, the missile would already turn on the picture and hard turn to the right to intercept airliner. And the missile fly straight.

      - I would ad the unguided rocket to this as you mention that. With relation speed to position that missile would never hit airliner, it would pass him from behind in very long distance. And inf' who use to shoot down enemy plane an unguided missile? ;) Of course in modern days, yeah I know Germans did that in WWII.

      - The angle of hit, I said that airliner was hit from front... I precise this now and it was front part of plane, left side from below. And fighter on this picture attack from... right side.

      - The mysterious source know by name (not that mysterious huh?) George Bilt the "specialist" that appear from nowhere and steal the sat recon photos. Not to mention nobody know or heard anything about so called George Bilt before. And c'mon... sat recon photos are the most guarded piece of information that every country have.

      This is fake, lousy fake... I would prepare better fake, YOU would prepare better fake if you would do that. Because you info' are an intelligent person with proper knowledge that would not do such moronic mistakes. This is the same level of "proof" like Aliens steal my cow and use probe on my ass.

  4. If something will take us to the colonization of the moon and beyond -- its commercial space exploration.

    First man launched by the commercial space entity would be equal to Gagarin.

    1. If it is true that there are infinite resources that can be harvested in Space, then yes. The future of space exploration will be private or should i say Corporate rather than Private. WIth the "corporate" setup functioning more like a cartel. Who knows ?

    2. Solomon....In case Space exploration does come up in a big way and the Marines answer the call of security there, will these new Space Marines change their motto from Semper Fidelis to "To Infinity and Beyond "?

  5. Russian analog - conception
    Continuing their work on the next-generation manned spacecraft, PTK NP (a.k.a. PPTS), Russian engineers steered the project toward emerging new destinations in space and adapted the future ship to the changing fleet of future rockets. As partners in the International Space Station program eyed a return to the Moon and missions to the Lagrange points, developers of the PTK NP vehicle focused on deep-space


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