via Information Dissemination.
“And the important goal that we're trying to wrestle with right now under intense budget pressure is to get the proper mix between the forces that are forward presence forces and those based in the United States and our U.S. territories, which are our surge forces. That's what we're trying to do…Read the entire article here.
…So simply put, something has to give. Maintaining our military at such high tempo in this resource-constrained environment is simply no longer sustainable. Period. End of story. It prevents us from properly preparing for future contingencies across the full spectrum of conflict. Now, that is what wakes me up at night, because ultimately preparing the joint force to win wars is what the department does. It is what we are charged to do.
Everyone knows my take on SPMAGTF-CR's. They're simply an attempt to highlight the MV-22, push the idea of more command slots for the aviation side of the house AND an attempt at legacy building by Amos.
Let's be clear. When first formed, the idea of Company Landing Teams at the end of a 1000 mile supply chain, relying on V-22's for supplies, MAYBE Marine Corps Harriers, USAF F-16's/A-10's/F-15's, hopefully Navy aviation for close air support and being stuck in bad guy land for 3 days or longer was a recipe designed to have Marines arrive back home in body bags.
But to hear Deputy Sec of Defense Bob Work...a former Marine...start talking about forward deployed forces...and my take on his speech is that he's insisting that we be smart about it....just makes me wonder.
Are we about to see SPMAGTF-CR's killed in the crib? God! I hope so!