Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The seeds of nuclear warfare in the Middle East are being planted...

The Truman National Security Project, a nonprofit think tank with ties to the administration, is assembling a “crack team of writers” to flood national and local media outlets with articles supporting the White House’s efforts before the details of a final nuclear deal have even emerged, according to internal emails sent by the organization to its listserv.
“Our community absolutely must step up and not cede the public narrative to neocon hawks that would send our country to war just to screw the president,” Graham F. West, Truman’s writing and communications associate, wrote in a recent email to the organization’s listserv.
The statement comes from an organization that has long billed itself as an independent voice for “strong, smart, and principled solutions to the global challenges Americans now face,” according to Truman’s mission statement.
“Once again, Truman is gearing up for an all-hands-on-deck effort to support the administration’s goal of securing a nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1,” West wrote in the email. “The core message is the same: a deal is the only way to prevent an Iranian bomb and keep the U.S. out of another war.”
Then this from the Truman Think Tank...
As the November 24th deadline for a nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 world powers gets closer to Crunch time, its seems that some folks are telling Mounds of Whoppers about the idea of chasing a bad deal. As the Marathonnegotiations have been held across the globe (in locations as diverse as Vienna and New YorkCity), the fact remains that the Smarties we have working the negotiation table are fighting to keep the United States—and the world—safe from an Iranian Atomic Fireball.Many commentators slipped into a Sour Patch when the interim deal was extended in July. However, the potential to allow for a little more time for discussion was always part of the plan; these negotiations are tougher than a Gobstopper, and we didn’t expect Iran to just Rolover to every demand. While everyone came to the table expecting some Swedish Fishy behavior from the other side, Iran has negotiated in Mr Goodbar faith—freezing and rolling back critical parts of their nuclear program.Many AirHeads opposed to the deal were worried that Iran would be Snickersing all the way to a PayDay as we loosened sanctions on them during the talks. But, like a modern day version of the 3Musketeers, the P5+1 has been able to hold the international sanctions regime intact. And U-No that the relief that Iran has received thus far has been a far cry from a Life Savers; we haven’t exactly been a Sugar Daddy.One of the major keys to accomplishing all of this progress so far has been the presence of international inspectors on the ground.  These are some of the smartest nuclear Nerds in the Milky Way, and their ability to move beTwixt the Iranian scientists and keep a close eye on their activity is essential to global security. Without their presence on the ground, the Iranians could start working on a Warheads at any point and we would be none the wiser.Ultimately, there are Good & Plenty reasons to be optimistic about a potential Iran deal. Don’t listen to the Goobers3_5ozBox who insist that diplomacy won’t work before the talks are even concluded, or the politicians who would let a deal slip through their butterfinger s just to score a few cheap points against the President. Instead, connect the Dots between continued negotiations, a nuclear weapons-free Iran, and a safe and secure United States Now & Later.  Don’t be a Dum Dum: support our diplomats as they keep working to Skor a deal with Iran!
I haven't been keeping up with the negotiations between the Administration and Iran but this is rather ominous.

If its a good deal then there is no need for a "full court press".  If it gives away the farm then the gearing up to defend it is should be considered treason.

Time to go to school on those negotiations.  If the President is wrong then we could see the seeds of nuclear warfare being planted.

Sidenote:  I haven't seen something this silly being put out by a Think Tank...ever.  


  1. Wait....you mean they actually INTENDED to put those stupid candy references in there? At first glance I thought that was you making fun of them.

    Jesus, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously, especially on a topic as important as NUCLEAR WEAPONS(!), when you're publishing shit like that?

    1. yeah they just lost all cred with me. i try and follow the good ones...even if they're left leaning but this is just too much.

  2. WTF?!?..........and who ever wrote this and approved this is going to be looking for a job really soon.

    1. i would hope so. not only that person but the web master for allowing this shit on their site!

  3. this report means that Now I have to run a 15 mile followed by a dentist appointment all the while worried.

    1. you're joking but consider this. we're seeing a proxy fight between shia's and sunni's. what happens when Iran gets the bomb? do you think that Saudi Arabia will let that go without getting one of their own? what happens if a conventional war breaks out and then someone starts getting throat stomped? do you think that mutually assured destruction will work in the Middle East? i don't. not stopping Iran now will lead to that very future. those are the seeds of war that i am talking about.

    2. Sol,

      You forgot your friend. When Iran gets the bomb, do you think Israel will say, "it's OK. They only have one"? I doubt it.

      IAF have been very successful with long-range strikes. KSA will take years to get near the development of the bomb. Israel, however, is something else.

      Next, what stops Iran from say, "Whoops. We were transporting it when the darn thing fell off the back of the truck". And next thing you know, the likes of AQ or HAMAS or "Sol's Private Army", will somehow appear on the 7 o'clock news saying, "look Ma, look what we found!"

      Iran mustn't have the bomb because they can't be trusted with the safety.

      PS: Don't get me started about Pakistan and/or India.

    3. KSA doesnt need to develop a bomb on its own. All it needs is 20 Billion Dollars going Pakistan's way and there you go. 2 hardcore sunni countries with a bomb.

      The most funny part- Both of them are American allies....lol. Now thats lethal humor.

  4. Honestly who cares, Iran is Iran and they are very far away from the English speaking world, not to mention they are surrounded by nuclear powers, many of which make no secret out of their hatred of Iran. Not to mention they are basically universally hated by all their non-nuclear neighbours, who again make no secret of their ill-intentions towards Iran.

    It only seems logical for them to acquire the technology necessary to protect themselves from this aggression, not that I believe they have a nuclear weapons program, or are capable of producing nuclear weapons. Their civilian power program is just an excuse for sanctions, if it wasn't that they would find another reason.

    In reality Iran is just a joke country, they specialize in producing fake weapons, they make all these grandeous claims about fighter jets, radar systems, missiles they develop and they are nearly all fake... They are horrible fakes... They are worse at this than north korea... And economically they are nothing compared to their enemies that surround them, technologically they are behind as well...

    1. Jacobite.NZ

      So did you have your heart broken by an Iranian chick ?

    2. No... I am just saying I wouldn't take them too seriously, considering they are a complete-non threat, given their military/technological/economic/diplomatic status..

  5. Iran will be one hard country to ignore regardless of whichever administration is in power. Democrat or Republican. Its location, Hydrocarbon reserves, population, political leanings, antagonizing value (to the west and sunni islam atleast) and this whole ISIS fiasco will make them pretty hard to ignore. But if the US can resume normal diplomatic dialoge with Vietnam and its communist govt. they even Iran can be negotiated with.

    After the embassy hostage crisis in Iran I can fully understand why the US feels hostile towards Iran. But they also have to understand that constantly mollycuddling Sunni Govt.'s at the expense of Shia's does make a nasty pressure cooker situation and when that pressure whistle goes......Angry Anti-US mobs all over the mid east is what happens. Along with clandestine weapons programs.

    But thats distracting from the main post here which is Iranian Nuclear program and possible diplomatic deals-

    On this front I think it will be best if the US reaches an ironclad gentlemans agreement with Russia first before actually approaching Iran. An agreement that allows the Iranians to have civil nuclear power as long as the re-processed fuels go to Russia or France or even India for that matter and does not stay in Iran. But, the moment Iran breaks any rule or does some shady business the Gentlemen's accord between US and Russia bitch slaps Iran into place. And an actual bitch slap, not something that was done as an afterthough like N.Korea or Pakistan for that matter.

    1. There ARE hydrocarbons almost anywhere, anywhere there is shale natural gas can be extracted, there is a massive deposits of frozen methane hydrocarbons under the sea, there is enormous amounts of oil as well, it's almost everywhere, the problem is getting arround all the green tape to extract it... You don't need to invade other countries to get hydrocarbons....

      And FYI Pakistan is a 100x greater regional security threat, insurgency is on the rise their, and they have nuclear weapons and all the experience and infrastructure to produce them, what do you think is going to happened with all of that once the insurgency gets their hands on it? In other news Egypts largest insurgency group has pledged allegiance to ISIS. I can see this going south real fast....

    2. Egypt is one country I am confidant about to deal with their problems on their own. Just let them get a little US help...just a little and then underplay all the reports of Egyptian military high handedness related to dealign with the Insurgency.

      You dont have to sell me on Pakistan and assiciated threats. Trust me, we are usually the first to know.

      Hydrocarbons and Nuclear capability are not the main issues here. They are just the tip of the Iceberg. They are just instruments that allow certain govt.'s to carry on their "Agenda" more vigourously and seriously. Their "Agenda" is the main issue here.

      For Iran, their "Agenda" is to by hook or crook become a counter to the Sunni wave. If it takes oil and atoms to do that then so be it. They are instruments. The moment some other instrument comes to play they will all clamour for that leaving these behind or at a lower priority.

      The point that I was trying to make above was that before any negotiations are to be done with Iran...and meaningfull lasting negotiations at that, then having Russia and possibly China on the same page will help. There's no point embargoing Iran if Russia doesnt recognize it and China and India along with others follow Russia's example of doing business with Iran. And, short of an Invasion or some act of violence, Iran will go nuclear. Atleast in civil terms.


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