Sunday, November 09, 2014

Uralvagonzavod Corporation Armor Wallpaper...

Note:  Headed to the Uralvagonzavod website to check on the progress of the Atom family of armored vehicles and saw this.


    Have you seen this Sol, I wonder if they choose the bad 90s movie villain look on purpose?

    1. typical middle eastern stupidity. instead of working out they inject synthol into their bodies. instead of training hard they want to buy all the gear and play dress up. they're insects that need to be smashed. if they think they look cool while they're dying then awesome. hopefully it'll make the trip to hell a bit more painful.

    2. Y'know what's going to happen, right Sol?

      Once some non-Arab army starts fighting back the first thing they'll do is gather an army of MEDIA personality and start wailing "Look, look, the [insert NON-Arab army nationality/faction here] are trying to destroy us". Hence the need to buy the garb so they can 'look good in front of the camera".

    3. CoooooooooooBRAAAAAAA!!!

      (sorry, couldn't resist)

  2. Fancy Artwork. I am sold on their current line up of the "T-90 Modernized" tank. However if the Russians do intend to be relevant in the Fighting Vehicles market they will have to pump out a lot of innovations in the Auxilarry Systems that go on to make a AFV. More powerfull engines for a start. I can take the most important example of the PAKFA aircraf tand how everyting about the aircraft seems dependant on the Support Technologies like electronics, radar, engine. Anyone even remotly/casually familiar with the PAKFA will know the efforts being taken to develop the NPO Saturns AL-41 engine. That same kind of effort to develop such systems for their Ground Vehicles is missing, or they arent telling us much about it. We Indians only went to the Germans on a 1400-1500 HP diesel engine cause the Russians didnt have that back then. Even today.


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