Saturday, November 29, 2014

USMC F-35's aboard UK carriers...nope, but how about SPMAGTF's?

War is Boring has a take on USMC F-35's operating off UK carriers...
The Marines are open to the idea—and have been for a while. In early November, the Marine Corps published the 2015 edition of it its aviation plan. Twice in the plan, the Corps’ proposes to send its F-35s into combat aboard British carriers.
In a section about so-called “distributed operations,” wherein the Marines spread out their forces in order to make it harder for the enemy to target them, the plan foresees F-35s—scattered across the battlefield—periodically returning to a ship for repairs.
Elsewhere in the aviation plan, the authors underscore the U.S. F-35Bs’ “interoperability” with Queen Elizabeth. That compatibility “will provide robust and flexible maritime power projection for allied forces.”
I like WIB.  But in this case I think they're wrong.  Look at the optics of such a move.  Moving F-35's onto Brit carriers while USMC MEU's go on float with Harriers would simply look terrible.  How would you viably claim that more amphibious ships are needed if you're able to farm out F-35's to foreign ships?

So how could the Marine Corps help out the Brits while they have a gap with regards to their own F-35's operating from them?


You assign SPMAGTF-CR's to the Brit Carriers.  If F-35's are part of the mix of supporting aircraft then that's sauce for the goose.

The result?  You emphasize the need for increased amphibious shipping for the USMC.  You emphasize the need for the F-35 for the Royal Navy.  The downside?  The Queen Elizabeth is used as a super size LHD...exactly what the Royal Navy wouldn't like talked about.  Additionally some will ask why the Royal Navy simply doesn't use it as a large LHD while waiting for the F-35 with Royal Marines or British Army helicopters/troops aboard.

I think this suggestion of USMC F-35's operating off the QE is a trial balloon that falls flat.