Monday, November 03, 2014

What the FUCK! Call of Duty!!! Updated.

Thanks Dima for pointing this out to me!

This shit has me high and to the right.

I don't know what the game developers over at Call of Duty are smoking but they need be throat punched, followed by a steel toed boot to the 'nads and then taken out back and having the living shit beat out of them.

You don't play with this.

You don't have the fucking right.

The CoD bastards need to get a clue.  Yeah.  Its a game, but this shit is fucking disrespectful....they crossed the line big time.

Update:  As usual, my readers say it better than I ever could...
Movies are storytelling. Games are interaction. Having a movie or a game cutscene with military funeral is one thing. "Press F to pay respects" is basically treating a military funeral like a minigame. Like "Press F to enter the vehicle", "Press F to use the machinegun turret". You dont turn a funeral into some minigame. I myself am just an ex-IDF MP, and this just feels...wrong...
 Dima, a frequent commenter on this blog 
It just doesn't feel wrong.  It is wrong.  The whole world can disagree but I don't care.  This time the world needs to move, not me.


  1. what did they do different that many hollywood movies already did ?

    1. have you talked to these CoD players? they get to teh point of thinking that gaming equals real life. they believe that skill in the game equals real life. this just goes to portray that same type thing in a manner that is disrespectful to real Marines that have made the greatest sacrifice. i see that this needs to be explained further in my post above so i'll give it a go.

    2. Movies are storytelling. Games are interaction. Having a movie or a game cutscene with military funeral is one thing. "Press F to pay respects" is basically treating a military funeral like a minigame. Like "Press F to enter the vehicle", "Press F to use the machinegun turret". You dont turn a funeral into some minigame. I myself am just an ex-IDF MP, and this just feels...wrong.

    3. And if that would be Press E it would be good? Or not press anything do that in kinect move? Or just an cutscene that shit tons of games have and many with funerals.

      This is not a minigame, it's an interaction cutscene. I agree that this is nothing new, Hollywood did worse things with military personnel funerals and nobody react at that.

      And what about last scene in Medal of Honor when player hero died in hands of his brothers in arms and that was based on real events... that was ok?

      If they show it in proper way, with proper background, with strong emotional connection to the story it can have the respect it need. And games are long time ago stop being only an interaction... the are storytelling even more then Movies in those days. More an more movies are just trash with max effects... games start to take first place in complex and emotional storytelling.

    4. Let me play it first... then I will be sure if they did that in right way or it was a satire that should be banned.

  2. Solomon

    I thought the Call of Duty makes a great recruitment tool for armed services. There is nothing wrong with showing the realities of military life and "death", the potential recruits need to know and think over before signing up.

    1. if you think a movie or a video game is reality then you really haven't been anywhere or done anything.

    2. And promotional recruitment commercials are reality Sol' ? The core of any recruitment is NOT showing the reality but some ideal vision of it, the hero, strong men, chicks... game show that vision (or not, try playing Spec Ops the Line) an more or less encourage young to join armed forces. Reality is different... that you will notice after you sign your papers and join the boot camp.

  3. Releasing a game on Monday(second day of the week after Sunday is Monday, right?) and do this is in a country full of war veteran.....

    Yay Activision.

    1. Here is the video.

      Worst part of all this, this will bring publicity for this game and ppl will buy a few more copies thanks to that.

    2. Yeah. This is the bigger problem. The whole "controversy driven marketing" culture that rose with the rise of social media. People tend to talk more about things they hate than things they like.

      For what its worth, the majority of my gamer friends don't like it either. It's not just sort of offensive to thoose that serverd, but even thoose who didn't see it as a parody of modern dumbed-down gaming culture, where instead of designing a game around complex mechanics, puzzles and challenging gameplay, games are designed around brainless "press the button you are told to press, wait for result, follow the next instruction". It's like a sick self parody really.


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