Monday, December 01, 2014

ACV News. General Dynamics teams with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries...

Thanks to Slowman for the tip. is reporting that General Dynamics and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are teaming up to work on the Marine Corps Amphibious Combat Vehicle.

The above pics illustrate what I believe is going on here.

Mitsubishi is currently developing a heavy wheeled 8x8 capable of carrying 11 soldiers.  Could they be working on an amphibious version of the same vehicle?  I don't know but if they're successful...even if the Marine Corps doesn't select it...then Mitsubishi should have a leg up on the obvious Japanese Self Defense Force's need for an ACV of their own.

Sidenote:  RPG cage and ERA blocks?  That's alot of add on weight to an already large vehicle!  A wheeled APC topping 40 tons?  Read Army Recognition's info on Mitsubishi's proposed APC here.