Monday, December 15, 2014

Australia on fire....

ISIS struck in Canada, now Australia, and something funky is going on in Belgium.  Political Correctness will not do.  Islam is at war against the West.  Moderate Muslims are doing nothing to reign in these wild dogs.  Its time to look the threat in the eye and shoot him in the face.  Rant over.


  1. Are they even confirmed to be ISIS or just another wannabe? Latest news I got is that there is no info at all save for one black banner anyone could have gotten from anywhere. Would be ironic if it was a Jew.

    1. you made a tremendous leap there and revealed yourself. interesting. a black banner is hung in the window, Arabic writing on it indicates ISIS, and from all that you state that it could be anyone before you decide that Jews might be behind it.

      just to be clear I'm a supporter of Israel.

    2. He don't need to be part of ISIS, just another wannabe that act without any outside support. Those dudes are the most dangerous as they operate alone and are more hard to intercepted by security.

      But, you don't negotiate with religious fanatics, no mater of what religion they are. You don't speak with them, you don't try to see them reason, you don't give them a media coverage... you shoot them like rabid animal. Religious fanatic is unable to think logical, he is brainwashed by his religion, he don't afraid to die or to kill everyone in his vicinity. He don't respect life or laws, he blindly follow his delusions.

      One sniper, one bullet, end of show... then hold his body more then 24h (this will made problems for the "sould" to enter paradise) do a autopsy (this is also against Allah teachings) then burn it (this is forbidden in Islam to burn the body) and spill his ashes in couple of unknown locations.

    3. And speaking of ISIS, we just aprrenended one of their Twitter handlers in India. That takes the Indian total to 5 confirmed known ISIS affiliates. Though that number is low compared to the population but that is still 5 too many.

    4. Sol, don't forget to take your insult off as well.

    5. fuck you Owl. no other comment you ever make will see the light of day on MY blog.

    6. @ Owl: WTF ?? Sometimes my budhist-jewish-zen attitude is being put to the test on here !!
      Guess that's a case for "shoot him in the face" ... spot on Sol ...

    7. Oh sorry, Sol, hadn't seen your reply to initial post ... disregard my MSG and thx for cutting down on potential winners for most morronic MSG of the year ... Guess with this type of situation they're coming out of the wood ...

    8. regarding the black flag though, it's not the flag of ISIS, as that wannabe "shaheed" of Islam thought it was. It's the 'chahada' that is written on the flag of saudi arabia and shows how much of a (dangerous) looser we're dealing with ... an attention seeking suicidal maniac, possibly not even of muslim origin, or in any case not able to read Arabic, wouldn't be surprized if it was another of those converts

    9. Yes the messed up nutjob seems to be a wanabe . Maybe he is after those 72 virgins but ISIS he is not .

    10. at what point does one become ISIS and not a wannabe? if an Australian travels to Syria and fights for ISIS and comes back home is he ISIS? if a person in Australia conducts a criminal act at the urging of ISIS is he ISIS or a wannabe? is a person that is in Australia and sympathizes with ISIS and post their message on every website they can a wannabe or ISIS.

      i'm just trying to get a clear idea of what separates a wannabe from an ISIS member.

    11. I'll post a reply to that and more info under "add comment"

    12. He's an exiled Iranian cleric, so nothing to do with ISIS.

    13. To me this sounds as an economic emigrant(claims of falling out with iran regime are simple way to get a political asylum ) and a mentally unstable person.''self styled cleric and activst' doesn't make him a cleric or activist.

      A mentaly unstable petty criminal no more no less.

    14. Fuck you Sol you cunt.

      Hec, El Dictator censored me for calling him out for the ISIS supporter insult.

      I pointed out to him that we know nuts about the guy yet so random speculation is exactly that and he called me an ISIS supporter just for saying the Emperor has no clothes.

    15. @i'm just trying to get a clear idea of what separates a wannabe from an ISIS member.@

      Alas, there is only one way, at my take,- for finding ISIS footprint - to recognize – who was an organizer, leader, preacher, provoker to whom the terrorists obeyed. As a rule, islamists (no matter – ISIS or not) have firm organizing structure with direct personal connections. And if the chain of the individuals involved leads to ISIS – so it is ISIS. But the crunch is that all connections mostly go on the first-hand level with all possible measures of conspiracy.

  2. And in another bit of off topic news thats bound to rile someone up-

    The Prime Minister of the Crimean region is in India accompanying Putin for an official state visit.

  3. The horrid way these hostage taking scenarios have been going on of late, I would be glad to know that the hostage takers are willing to negotiate rather than just there to exterminate which has become the standard nowadays.

  4. Gated communities to keep marginalized population outside, and bantustanes to keep criminals and ex criminals inside. Segregation is actuallly a salvation.

  5. Good news is that situation in Belgium is under control: the SWAT-unit of the Federal police has arrested the three hostage takers. Probably related to organized crime most likely, but this is not confirmed yet.
    What makes me wonder is that this is concurrent not so much with event in Sydney but a large raid in France that took place this morning and lead to dismantling of terrorist network for Djihadis going to Syria. The AT-unit of the French police took several individuals into custody in several places, mostly south-west and Paris region.
    More to follow i suppose ...

  6. This situation gets weirder and weirder ... Latest info I got is that we're dealing indeed with a convert, although one of a special kind !
    The hostage taker's current name is "Man Haron Monis" aka the "Hate Sheikh", aka "Sheikh Haron" who fled from Iran to Australia in 1996. His birth name however is Manteghi Bourjerdi. He converted to Sunni Islam in 2014, from his initial "rafidi" faith as he calls it, derogative arabic term to designate the Shia.
    So here we have a guy with multiple arrests on his wrap sheet, a history of mental "instability" and whose initial religion is considered the worst there could be for any Sunni Djihadi ... That's probably also the reason he's been sending confused unintended messages about his motivations, like wrong ISIS flag and black "bandana" around head, very much like Hezbollah and Iranian 'shaheeds' during Iran-Iraq war ...
    Regarding formal affiliation to ISIS, I get your point Sol, but there are many lunatics out there who claim affiliation to ISIS because it's easier to sell from PR-point of view, doesn't mean their genuinely part of ISIS which is a very closed organization. Doesnt change a thing in the fact that these guys can be very dangerous too of course, just that they're surfing the ISIS wave of celebrity...

  7. This hostage taker had like 30 criminal charges against him before this, yet the Aussie authorities could not deport him

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  9. First Canada, now Australia. Unfortunately there will be more of this coming our way.

    My heart gos out to all those in Sydney and Australians everywhere.

  10. This is why the US should rethink its strategy in battling these groups. Spending billions of dollars applying conventional military force and attempting to train marginally motivated fighters in the ME is a waste of resources. The money would be better spent on humint and surveillance of groups and individuals, with a heavy concentration the monitoring of social media. ISIS / ISIL / Islamic flavor of the day knows they cannot win on that battlefield, but they can inspire zealots...

  11. Well, it's all over now ... this will go down as a "special" kind of one man terror attack ... again ... you can try and draw up profiles of what a potential attacker might look like, what background he may have, but you can only shake your head in disbelief looking the specifics this guy.
    A man yes, but in his early 50s.
    A thief and criminal yes, but not involved with organized crime.
    A convert to djihadi Sunnism yes, but a former Shia cleric.
    A radical yes of course, but someone who fled Iran in 1996 because of his liberal religious views back then.
    A guy with a wrap sheet as long as my arm (and i got long arms), but nobody in Australia considered him dangerous enough to be expelled from the country.
    As they say in French, the more things change, the more they stay the same ...
    Regarding the assault itself, doesn't look like it went down very well either: there were only 8 living hostages left at the time of the assault (one hostage killed by terrorist just before) and the police managed to kill 1 person and injure 4 others, three of them seriously. That makes it one good shot (the terrorist) and 5 bad ones (out of 8 possible targets) ... doesn't sound too good when you put it that way.
    debrief and learn lessons ...

  12. This will sound kinda stupid or crazy, but... You guys think this is some kind of ISIS or another terrorist organization inside job?
    I mean... They could somehow "recruit" a crazy dude and istimulate him to do some stupid thing like this.

  13. I'm wondering more and more wether the NSW SWAT unit didn't totslly botch up the assault... Not even sure how much of their account can be trusted ... Can already predict once the dust has settled over this sad figure of a terrorist the next big headline in Australia will be the inquiry into how police handled the whole thing ... From lack of surveillance of a suspicious figure to lighting up 4-5 hostages ...

    1. i don't know what the plan was but that was the slowest entry i've ever seen. once breach was made we had 1 (ONE) guy enter, the guys behind him seemed to freeze in place. then it was hey diddle diddle one at a time up the middle.

    2. Absolutely Sol I've seen it just the same way you did ... Hesitation and lack of resolve ... I don't got him you take him sort of thing ... And as you mentioned an forced entry that lacked exactly that ... Force ! Once breach is made you want to steamroll the guy and if there got to be bodies on the ground it's supposed to be your SWAT team guys not your hostages ... Having one guy inside without support is best receipe for that guy to start spraying bullets all around him if he feels he doesn't have his back covered

    3. and with that you saw the difference between pro's and amateurs...even if they look the part you can still tell the mall commandos from the guys that actually rip it up. i'd love to know what unit these guys are with. but did you take a look at their kit? same thing i noticed in Ferguson. all of it shiny and new. none it having training marks or hard use marks on it.

      maybe they bring out new stuff when they actually deploy but that alone would make me wonder if it would work when i needed it before actually testing it.

      the whole thing seems off. i'll hold fire and just comment instead of putting up a post but the after action on this is going to be fascinating.

    4. Yep ... Hold fire and see what is gonna be said about this but I can already tell you, around here some guys are raising eyebrows about how assault was handled ... Did they have a visual on target ? If not why ? And if They did why were there 3-4 seconds delay between entry of first assault team member and the rest of crew ... Kit indeed seemed quite new ... All of it does raise questions ... Potentially could make for interesting post but you're right, wait and see.
      Got an Aussie working with me who says the unit that lead the assault is the "special protection group" of NSW police. Looking up their credentials I don't see any real scalp under their belt though. Training doesn't make perfect I'm afraid, real time test is still the ultimate evidence of your current standing in world of CT ops.
      Just for the Aussies on here, I'm not bashing up your police, just trying to understand ... And with you on this one all the way !

    5. Have just watched the assault team entry again ... Did you notice the guy standing behind and not knowing where and when to throw a stun grenade ?? WTF !! I'll stop here, guess the Aussies need time to regather. Heads up boys, and fuck' em !

    6. i'm doing the same. i'll tell you one thinng. they're real lucky they were up against a rookie hostage taker that really didn't want to die. do the shit i saw against a pro or a really determined radical and everyone of those hostages would be dead.

      which brings me to another disturbing question. i wonder what the acceptable loss figure was for the hostages. two dead another four injured? something tells me that they're probably popping champagne for a job well done.

      i'm still waiting for the day when one of these whack jobs goes in with a pistol, takes hostage, lures in CT teams and then blows himself and everyone else up....while taking down the building because he planted explosives around the room.

    7. Sol & Hecate,

      I hate to say this but Hecate asked a number of disturbing questions that shouldn't be asked in an open forum.

      Yes. I too saw the opening assault and noticed the second guy hesitating to throw the stun grenade.

      Let me just say that the SPG never saw action like this before. SPG and the hostages are extremely lucky this clown is an idiot (must've played too much BF2 or CS:GO). 2:15 am and they went in without night vision used and without the aid of IR monitors to determine where the approximate location is the hostage taker.

    8. Mark, we're asking questions here but we're not involved in this operation and not betraying OPSEC in any way ... The video we're commenting on has been cleared for broadcast by police. Believe me I'm very aware of what I write on here and I know Sol is as well. But 'nuff said ... There will be time and place to discuss these matters further. If you're from Oz, rest assured you're not alone on this.

    9. while taking down the building because he planted explosives around the room
      He wouldn't be able to. The location where the café is located is an old building and the masonary is, at least, 12 inches thick. So unless he's got one massive nuclear device in his backpack he can't bring down the building.

    10. its a predicted incident in the future. not this one.

    11. Predicted and predictable if we don't learn our lessons ... To give a reference that has nothing to do with ISIS or Islamic terrorism, here's an example one should keep in mind : narrow water, county Down, in northern Ireland on August 27th 1979. 500 lb IRA bomb planted in truck kills 6 members of parachute rgt. Quick reaction force of queens own highlanders has 12 dead when their helicopter is destroyed by second bomb while gunmen/snipers hiding on Irish side of border fire shots at British as well.
      Nothing new under the sun ... Mostly variations of things seen and done before. You got to prepare for more than just what lies in front of you ... Expect the unexpected and be able to react to it.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Mark, we're asking questions here but we're not involved in this operation and not betraying OPSEC in any way
      My apologies. I made it sound like I'm asking both of you to STFU. On the contrary, that's not my intention.

      FYI: I know that café well because I go there regularly to get my chocolate "fix".

    14. Hecate, what makes you conclude that the police also shot those hostages? The hostage taker was armed with a shotgun and fired at the hostages first as they were escaping (which prompted police to enter and deal with the hostage taker). And what makes you think that there's not enough surveillance? I live in Sydney and this cafe is surrounded by high rise buildings. Infront of the cafe is the Channel 7 building where there were police snipers and TV cameras overlooking the siege.

      Police entered at different entry points. If you're basing this "hesitation to enter" on the RT video, then you didn't see the four or five officers who entered first. Watch the video:

      Also read this:

    15. @ Mark: no worries mate, no offence taken ... Think it's pretty safe to say that whatever is discussed would and will find its way to the papers anyway, because lots of people are wondering and asking these same questions, as they should. I've heard there's an investigation under way already, as should be the case, and if there are lessons to be learnt from this (and i'm pretty sure there are), i have no doubt Aussies have the brains and will to do it.
      @ Asoken: we had agreed to keep the traffic about the handling of assault to minimum following recents comments we've said on here. But just to reassure you, i haven't even watched RT, have seen several vids of the assault, in full lentgh, not just the short edited version.
      What i did was pretty basic, but gives me a clue about how it went down, even though you're right i was wrong is saying without hard evidence who shot who. However the police statement says that the hostage taker shot only one victim, it's very unclear about the others. You can also sense a feeling of unease about it, especially when deputy commissioner Burn talked to the press. She already seemed retty defensive to me, sounded like this may have been the start of a damage limitation exercise.
      I also am judging from my personal experience, but that's just as a side note.
      Questions you should be asking, because it's important:
      - how many hostages were still in cafe at time of assault (and how many of them sustaining bodily harm)
      - how many officers were part of assault team (not talking about snipers on rooftops or so, just assault crew)
      - how many officers went inside and how long it took them to get inside,
      - how long did the fire exchange last,
      - how many shots were fired by police (and how many by hostage taker)
      - it was a night assault, so what about night vision gogles and/or thermal imagery
      I can give you an answer to these questions and that raises my concern. but again, you're right i can't be affirmative, just basing my assessment on probabilities. then i would have questions regarding what i saw but can't find a reason for, like:
      - why were there officers still throwing stun grenades inside the cafe while others were already inside firing their weapons,
      - why did about half the team never make an entry
      - why did they use automatic weapons (military assault rifles) against one hostage taker armed with a shot gun.
      I also read the injury reports that came out and location of injuries, including the officer who got shot. you could potentially draw conclusions from that as well, up to a certain degree, without a coroner's report.
      Other questions regarding preparation of assault i can't answer at all, so was just asking:
      - "eyes" on target before and during assault (including cams and mics in the place) ?
      - inconsistencies in accounts about wether or not there was a struggle, wether or not the guy was dozing off, how come 7 people made it out at that time ... there really is a lot to answer.
      I'll hold fire, but if you need to have good look at al these things, especially the ones you can see and hear in the assault, and you may start that wonder what went down and, honestly, what went wrong.
      Looking at a history at terrorist hostage situations that were much much "hairier" (Entebe in 1976 by Sayeret Matkal, Mogodiscio in 1977 by GSG-9 or Marseilles in 1994 by GIGN), you get a benchmark of what can be achieved by top notch units, who were confronted by pros with about as much weaponry as a small army.
      That being said, again, i'm trying to understand, out of personal and professional interest. Goal is not to badmouth the guys who went in, please don't get me wrong on that.

    16. @ Asoken: forgot to add, when i meant lack of surveillance, i dont mean CCTV or whatever else you got in Sydney, i meant surveillance of an individual who was known to be dangerous, in the weeks and months preceding the attack ... but that's another story.

  14. To everyone:

    This 50 year old ex-Iranian is a nut job.

    1. He's been convicted, in the past, for sending hate mails to widows servicemen who's died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because Australian law favours the guilty, he was let off.

    2. He's also accused of orchestrating the murder of his wife. Because Australian law favours the guilty, he was let off on bail.

    3. He's not a cleric. He calls himself a cleric because he's good at memorizing the Qran and he can speak arabic. For the record, anyone (and just about anyone) can call himself a cleric if you can talk-the-talk and memorize a few verses of their holy book.

    4. He is too "old" (50 years old) to go to the ME to fight and too lazy so he stays here and pretends to be a "fighter".

    5. Why do I call him a nut job? Because the Lindt Cafe is right across one of Australia's biggest TV & radio station, Channel 7. He would've made himself more popular if he stormed the TV station instead of the chocolate shop. He's an idiot.

    The guy simply wants to die via "suicide by police".

  15. any official confirmation / release statement by australian police regarding the reason for assaulting ? was the terrorist already started shooting / killing hostage ? the dead and wounded hostages , these all caused by terrorist or by the assaulter's fire ?

    the assaulters, did they also come in from the top ? or just front door ?

  16. Moderates don't make history, only radicals make history.

  17. @Hecate,

    If you sensed that the Deputy Police Commissioner sounded defensive, that's irrelevant - it has been a stressful, harrowing day, maybe that's just how she answers questions, I don't know - anyway like most major incidents, this will also be investigated;

    They were had thermal imagers, microphones, etc. on the building according to the Channel 7 newsman who was allowed to stay in the Channel 7 building with a cameraman, police sniper and other technical police people;

    The assaulters had NVG on their helmets (see below video);

    It's standard nowadays to for SWAT to use M4s and other military assault rifles;

    It's most likely Aussie SOP to keep on throwing flashbangs even as the assaulters have entered (just watch the TAG East videos on YouTube);

    It's irrelevant how many assaulters entered the cafe - they achieved their goal; note that they also cleared the other offices in the building afterwards;

    The hostage taker shot at the fleeing hostages, the cafe manager tried to stop him but was killed by the hostage taker. I heard on the news that he fired at least 5 rounds but I don't know if it was at police or the fleeing hostages.

    Here's another video of the assault - notice that it didn't take long for them to clear the cafe nor were they slow to enter:

    1. You seem pretty affirmative about what's relevant and what's not. It's ok if you think there's no case to be made here and that it was all handled the best way possible considering the circumstances.But please don't lecture me about police tactics, CT and HR ops.
      Standard nowadays to use M-4 for hostage situation in confined space ? Give me a f*ing break man, you don't know what you're talking about.
      As for achieving goals, I suppose we got different standards as to desired effect of police assault in such a scenario.
      Plenty of what you say doesnt make sense (NVG on helmets but they were not being used in assault, and besides have you tried seeing with NVGs when stun grenades are being thrown inside a room ?), but anyway, let's not turn this into a pissing contest.Thx for the link, i'll have a look at it.

  18. @Hecate: You asked some questions, I gave some answers - that's not lecturing.

    Regarding their use of M4s, its their job, why wouldn't they know which tools are appropriate to use? If you're not satisfied, why don't you try getting in touch with them to let them know that they shouldn't be using these - I'm sure that they'd appreciate advice from experts. Here's the link: . And while you're at it, let them know that NVGs and flashbangs don't mix well as you've reminded us on your last post.

    My advice (I'm now lecturing): stop quarterbacking, you're embarrassing yourself. Enjoy the video - I hope you'll learn some tips the next time you play MoH and CoH.

    1. I tried being pleasant in my last mail, guess i was mistaken. So why dont you take a big slice of humble pie and shove it up where it belongs, f*ing looser.
      If you happy how things were handled, fine with me,as I said. Keep it coming, plasma warrior ;-)

  19. I'm just curious as to what the first image in this post of a US Army Special Forces soldier in an exercise run by US Southern Command earlier this year has to do with the Australian siege, or am I missing something? Not accusing anyone of anything, just curious as to the relevance. Cheers.

    1. i probably screwed up. have a pretty big photo file. sue me.

    2. GC, I don't really see the point you're trying to make, but before you start throwing wild accusations yourself, you should better check twice: the first and last pics in Sol's post are taken from approx. the same angle and that is: Sydney, opposite Chambers Hotel (right next to Lindt cafe where attack occured). In the background you can see entrance to subway station "Martin Place" ... so clearly picture right, you wrong.

    3. i took the pic in question down Hecate but I appreciate the defense. not really sure if he was right or not ... just don't need the headache from a smart ass and i'm tired of arguing with them.

    4. Roger that ... Seems to be a couple of them on this thread, no idea why.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


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