Thursday, December 18, 2014

C-5M...the forgotten heavy lifter...

The C-5M Super Galaxy aircraft is a game changer to the warfighter and America’s premier global direct delivery weapons system. It is also the Air Force’s only true strategic airlifter. While setting 43 world records in airlift, the C-5M established new benchmarks in carrying more cargo faster and farther than any other airlifter.

Consider this another post in response to some comments made on a previous post.

Everyone talks about the A400M in comparison to the C-130 (while I think that it should more properly be compared to the C-17) but the plane everyone forgets is the C-5M.

The US will have a large number of these heavy lifters (over 50...hard to nail down the exact number) that outperform any lifter found in any other air force.

Oh and about rough ground capability.  Are you gonna risk a 100 million dollar airplane, along with its crew and cargo landing on rough ground?  Doubtful.  C-5's give strategic lift at airliner speed.

Its a forgotten heavy lifter with unmatched capability.

Sidenote:  Spare me the obvious howls of protests about the Ukrainian AN-124/225. The AN-124 is hardly ever seen in active service and most are thought to be in storage.  The AN-225 is a one off originally designed for the Space Program and now used strictly for commercial cargo.  Its a pay for play airplane and is used mostly by Western corporations and European military to make up for a shortfall in heavy lift.