Monday, December 22, 2014

Chinese expansion into the Americas continues. Canal to break ground today.

via Yahoo News.
Last year, Ortega's allies in Congress fast-tracked legislation granting HKND a 50-year concession, renewable for another 50, to build and operate a canal in return for a payment of $10 million a year once it's up and running. The law lets HKND develop ancillary projects — ports, an airport, roads, a railway — even if it doesn't get built.
HKND hired the respected U.K.-based consulting firm Environmental Resources Management about a year ago to assess the environmental and social impact of a project that is expected to displace some 29,000 people. In late July, just two weeks after HKND announced its preferred route for the canal, ERM held community meetings in seven cities over 10 days, according to a document on HKND's website.
Read the whole story here.

Be advised.  The Chinese will have a foothold in Central and S. America that will require the US to establish bases and forces to counter it.  And don't be deceived.  They will build sea and air ports.

The Chinese govt just moved into our neighborhood and no one is paying attention.

HDND's website is here.