Wednesday, December 03, 2014

F-35 News. reports price decline a lie.

Hat tip to Peter for the article.

via D-A.
The average unit cost of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter continues to rise, despite claims by the program’s Joint Program Office and the prime contractor, Lockheed Martin, that they are decreasing with each annual production lot.

The program office bases its claim of lower costs on just a few of the many contracts it awards for each lot, and disregards the others. When announcing the main LRIP Lot 6 and Lot 7 contracts on Sept 27, 2013, for example, the JPO stated that:

”This award increases the value of the aircraft and associated production efforts on the LRIP 6 contract to $4.4 billion ($3.7 billion awarded …[in]…December 2012 ….and $0.7 billion awarded today) ….for production of 36 aircraft, with average aircraft unit cost approximately 2.5 percent lower than LRIP 5 aircraft.”

In fact, the real LRIP Lot 6 unit cost ($ 215.5 million) is fully 5% higher than the Lot 5 unit cost ($205 million), according to our analysis of DoD contract data.

JPO’s claim of lower Lot 6 unit prices is based on the two contracts identified above whereas, in fact, it awarded 27 Lot 6 contracts between Feb 9, 2012 and 0ct 9, 2014. The total value of these contracts is $7,757.3 million (see Table 1), almost double the $4,400 million cited by JPO. makes a VERY compelling case in this article.  Its highly recommended reading.

I'm waiting for other media outlets to check this article (although I sense that it is spot on) but for General Bogdan shit just got real....
Regardless of the actions of your subordinates, the responsibility for decisions and their application falls on you. You must issue all orders in your name...via Marine Officer's Guide 1985 edition
Lets be clear.

The Marine Corps has fired Commanders for less.

If the Defense-Aerospace report is true then we're seeing dereliction of duty, public deception, malfeasance in office, theft of govt funds and bringing discredit to the armed force of the United States. 

Bogdan needs to be fired and the program canceled.