Saturday, December 06, 2014

French set to acquire Griffon and Jaguar armored vehicles. via Army Recognition.

Wow.  Even the French are able to start an armored vehicle development program and get it into service while the USMC, supposedly the most effective fighting force the world has ever known, diddles in a corner slobbering all over itself.

Read about it here.

Meanwhile I go to punch more walls.


  1. Looks like really decent support vehicles. We can use that.

    Sol, the US is mired in red tape, political horsetrading and infighting. Don't expect anything done fast.

  2. In addition to legalised corruption that takes place on line brass -LM&co-lobby firm-arms commite-senate-congres.Unlike LM and co. European companies develop most of these vehicles to some stage on own dime and even when they develop for the specific military needs they do so with planned orders smaller than on Marine corps tenders so they have high interest to get things exported.

    1. Yes but ever since the F-20 Tiger Shark almost destroyed Northrop no company will ever fully develop and field a platform on it's own dime anymore. That is why GD made a handsome profit from the EFV without ever putting it into production.

  3. Interesting turret's design this Jaguar has, especially in armor setting-up. Is it ATGMS sideways niches?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No, when you see something angled like that, chances are high they are smoke grenade launchers.

      What is interesting is the 4 puffball-on-stalks like device at the back of the turret. Gunshot direction finder. Thought those things were not that reliable yet. If they are fielding it, they might have gotten a breakthrough in reliability.

    3. @No, when you see something angled like that, chances are high they are smoke grenade launchers.@

      I mean another thing - some square constructions near smoke launchers.

      @What is interesting is the 4 puffball-on-stalks like device at the back of the turret.@
      I've noticed this too. And which problems of acoustical antisniper systems do you mean? PDCue (for example)looks like to be an effective device, and the main problem – its price.

    4. My info, which may be outdated, was that they could give a general area, not a specific lock, basically, you hit the "slew to target" button on the RWS control and it will point in the general direction, but not the specific target, sound waves are very diffused. They are also affected by your own gunfire and echos from the same.

      Interesting trivia. The bullet will arrive before you even hear the gunshot, which means that once you hear the "bang!", someone has already been hit. Sound travels at Mach 1. The bullet travels at about Mach 3.

  4. Jaguar is packed with 2 MMP ( french new milan 3 ATGM )

    1. Good! Very good! I keep ATMGS as must-be for modern “gun houses” for BMP-class vehicles.

  5. Yeah well looks interesting on paper ... Doesn't exist yet and will be some time before it does ... Next to smoke grenade launchers they plan to have a new AT medium range missile (4 km) one on each side of turret. The 4 puff balls are part of their laser warning and missile lock detection system.
    Shame they went for for 40 mm cannon only as their current AMX 10 RC has a 105 mm gun which is a totally different proposition in anti armour combat ... I hear also that the armour of this jaguar will offer very little protection against any caliber larger than 14.5 mm ... Not sure what kind of terrain they plan using it but anything other than desert or one field and skilled infantry would have them for breakfast .... Guess they haven't lesrnt from others mistakes ... Glad we're not going down that road !

    1. The puffballs are microphones. It's a gunshot detection system. The laser warning system is more likely to be the cylinder next to the mics.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Have to rephrase my reply, Owl, I'm not discussing the fact it looks like microphones but I have doubts as to wether it is intended to be an gunshot detection system only. Again this is a totally non existent vehicle and system (delivery likely to be around 2025) so what you see might as well be a laser beam weapon ... Certainly looks like acoustic triangulation system but not necessarily for gunshots, especially if we're talking about a system that hasn't been developed yet. So again might be part of an integrated acoustic visual infrared laser and whatever else detection and warning system.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Damn. That Jaguar is sexy.

    I assume it is to fulfill the Recce vehicle role?

    These two vehicles look like France intends to be involved in Mali-like conflicts in the future, if they do deploy their military.

    1. Looks like ideal terrain for that kind of vehicle indeed ... Still think that crew protection other than electronic doesn't seem to be a priority

    2. My X-ray future vision says the internal armour is pretty heavy. ;P

      As you said, it's not in existence yet and we can't see what they have inside, for all we know, it could have a squad capacity of one with the rest as armour. Think we need to wait for more info before we can make a call.

    3. Yep agreed. Let's wait and see ... Gonna be years before there is a first prototype though. Going through the French info published on it, looks like they're going with a crew of 3 with approx total weight of 25T. But not able to resist direct impact larger than 14.5mm. We will see ... My main concern however is still the 40 mm main gun as this vehicle is due to replace current equipment which has either 90 mm or 105 mm gun. Definitely not gonna be able to face the same type of armour with that one, even with 2 AT missiles

    4. And as a side note, just to show how non existent this is, if you look at orientation of the side turret ATGM on the picture, you see that it's all wrong because it should be aligned with main gun and not with smoke grenade launchers ... Looks like someone in charge of digitalized picture just added the launch pads without thinking it all way through ...

    5. @you see that it's all wrong because it should be aligned with main gun and not with smoke grenade launchers@

      Sir, formally speaking you are right. But it is not a great trick, I guess, to adjust it in material functional prototype not to mention pieces for Army's procurement. Otherwise the very idea of ATGMS in BMP-type vehicles is unusual for the Western paradigm (at my take, at least). But must-be for the Russian one. And our approach suits better for modern high- flexible, high-speed and high-firemighty battle. And one more thing – good Armour protection of ATGMS containers. Otherwise- smoke launchers' location is controversial.

  8. You're right of course, my point was just to show that this is nothing but the concept of a vehicle with little more than a few digital images that even show some conceptual flaws ... So there is lots to work on. But I agree with you about this not being an issue as such.
    The thing with this jaguar is that it is supposed to replace 3 different types of armored vehicles currently in use, so it's also about saving money and having something for your troops to operate in on expeditionary missions most likely. It will have to carry out Antitank and anti armour missions like the VAB HOT does right now, it will do recon like ERC Sagaie and will have to serve as replacement for the AMX 10 RC which is basically a battle tank on wheels ... That's a lot to ask to a 25 T vehicle !

    1. @That's a lot to ask to a 25 T vehicle ! @
      Agree, sir. With such huge turret this desirable weight is a sweet dream, no doubt (IMHO, of course). Even in claimed complementation not to mention with adding of anti-RPG fenders or something.

  9. Jaguar reduction mod


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