Thursday, December 18, 2014

Hezbollah disbands foreign operations unit.

via Jerusalem Online.
Hezbollah has disbanded its foreign operations unit, according to reports in the Kuwaiti daily Al Roi. The disbanding occurs following reports that Hezbollah has captured a Mossad spy that was working inside the unit.
The agent is only known by the name MS. He was a member of the senior level 910 unit operating outside of Lebanon. He was arrested a few weeks ago and it was not published how he was caught.

MS worked as a businessman outside of Lebanon. The Mossad recruited him while he was working in western Asia. According to the report, he was working for the Israeli intelligence agency for several years while also playing a senior level role in Hezbollah at the same time. He reported to his superiors Hezbollah plans to harm Israeli targets around the world.
Hezbollah has effectively been neutralized while Israel sorts out its domestic politics.  I don't know if you've been paying attention but Netanyahu has been re-organizing his government and I actually expected some type of military action from Hezbollah...especially after the Palestinian Minister died.


They're frozen in place trying to clear out real or suspected Israeli spies.

If I didn't know better I'd wonder if Mossad gave this guy up so that they'd be focused inward instead of plotting against Israel.


  1. Who was fighting in Syria?
    Could the spy story be cover for pulling out of Syria?
    Losses have been heavy there and the sponsors of Hezbollah's incursion have cash flow issues at the moment

  2. Is reasonable to assume that is only temporary till they are certain that there are no more players playing for the other side.

  3. tit for tat.. didnt IDF get taken to the cleaner by hezbollah double agent that caused the slaugther of Shayetet 13 naval commando unit in Ansariya lebanon ? The ambushers got ambushed..

    maybe israel learned after the massive failure of intelligence in lebanon 2006 war..


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