via Fox Memphis.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (FOX13) – -The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Memphis Division is warning police officers about a threat to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge sometime in December. FOX13 News obtained the FBI bulletin sent to Mid-South Law Enforcement agencies warning about a possible Islamic State terror plot targeting the I-55 Bridge.Its been my experience that the FBI does not issue local (or international warnings) unless the threat is deemed credible.
"According to an anonymous complainant, as of December 2014, ISIS instructed an ISIS member, a presumed USPER in Memphis, with a direct order to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas bridge on an unknown date, activating ISIS terror cells in the United States," the warning reads.
USPER is a law enforcement acronym for U.S. person.
Consider this a "be advised" notification.
UPDATED: A reliable and extremely credible source has relayed to me that the FBI has been scouring the Memphis area chasing down info on this threat. Cards have been issued to even river boat operators to call if they observe anything, and I mean matter how small or seemingly insignificant, to the FBI immediately. The talk on the video about this really being nothing is not borne out by the resources that have flowed to the area.