Friday, December 05, 2014

Something is off about these protests.

I stand by my contention that the New York Police Officer was sloppy and didn't properly apply a lateral vascular neck restraint (LVNR) and instead applied a choke hold.

That's my belief and I have seen no evidence to change my mind.

But moving beyond that to these protests.

Something is off.  

We're seeing something new and I wonder if they're truly spontaneous.  Remember when the Rodney King incident took place?  Yeah you had a few protests but they died down rather quickly after it was announced that a Federal Investigation was launched.

The same should apply here but its not.

That makes me wonder.  Are these real protests by outraged individuals or are they being orchestrated?  Before you accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist do a little research on protests in the United States and tell me that these fit any of the past patterns.  I don't know whats going on here but I'm starting to become suspicious.


  1. The difference is coordination via social media which are amplified by the "anonymous" and Alex Jones nutjob crowd who provide non msm coverage of the protests. That plus many of the NYC Protestors are Occupy veterans who've squared off against the NYPD before.

  2. american looking at those events from another point of's not about "conspiracy theories" it's about "competition/enemies".

    And yes, something's off, like the "anti-nuclear power protests" from the cold war era and "anti-shale gas protests" from today.

    Someone is trying to take advantage of a truth, that being "racial conflicts" in the US case, and build on it while derailing here and there from it and turn it into something more than that.

    IMO, the "lobby" thing is a great weakness, it's freaking bribe basically, which can be used for many ugly things...and it's legal in the US....

    Another thing is, from what i've noticed, in the US people don't even try to take into account things like this, it's not about aliens, it's about daily stuff...

    For example in my country, in November there were the presidential elections, and on the internet there was a huuuuge campaing, basically threatening with "protests" if a certain candidate of the last 2 doesn't win.....funny, he won, blessed by the US, financed through FSB proxies....FUCKING AWESOME...............

    1. @FSB proxies. @
      Sorry for interrupting – but I can't stay calm (bgggg). FSB – is an internal agency only!!

    2. i know, they have recruits that move around, they don't really work for the agency as usual officers..they have businesses with corrupt russian public companies and stuff, so of these are blackmailed and stuff, etc etc

      i'm talking about some of them from Republic of Moldova, i could give a link to a documentary but it's not translated

    3. @FSB – is an internal agency only!

      Info' c'mon lad... FSB is just KGB with new fancy name, nothing else. Just the Shield and Sword of a "person" no a party. But indeed it would be more in operation tasks of SVR.

    4. look above :)

      they simply get money from inside rusia or the russians send money where they are and from there they do what moscow says, it's somewhat of a mixture in the operation....

      you get the point anyway....they're the same that financed terrorism in the cold war, be it in the middle east or elsewhere...

    5. and the moves inside rusia and the plans for what to do when outside by the recruited scum, are done with FSB. i know what i said, i know it's an internal agency .....................

    6. M.C.

      totally agree about lobbying being turned into bribery...and now social movements which are used to change laws or policy before people can take a deep breath and properly examine things. the real question is who's doing it. i get the impression that its the White House. why? because these were organic, real deal protests movements now we see the usual list of suspects stepping in. we hear Sharpton talking about organizing and we also see this becoming a democrat party issue instead of a people issue.

      good people are being used. thats the problem. a real issue is being used for political purposes. what that could be i don't know but i'm watching this shit closely.

  3. Sol. I bet if we all researched some of these groups we may find the Koch brothers funding them. Their ultimate goal is less government or more over site of government so these protests further their ultimate goal. They are the money behind cop block and the "police militarization" book.

    1. i think you might be right. i've been looking at the "change" in leadership. before you had some young people that were doing all this through social media. now you have Sharpton and the old crowd doing things. that alone makes me suspicious. still doing my little internet sleuthing...more to come.

    2. Check out this article from USA Today describing different groups joining the protests: Are you really suggesting the Koch brothers are backing minimum wage groups and communist?

    3. They back libertarian groups. Libertarian sub groups range from those wanting the least amount of government for the country to run all the way to pure anarchy groups.
      In politics and movements sometimes 2 groups that may not have much in common at least have a common enemy so they come together for a short time.

    4. Yeah, I've heard that before. Why the focus on the Koch brothers? What about the other groups in the article I posted?

      Koch Brothers contribute to NY hospital and people protest it:

  4. I forgot. Protesters in St. Louis were being "trained" in local union buildings.

  5. is there anything wrong with an organized protest ? i think an organized peaceful protest is a good sign that people still have the freedom to organize such things without fear of repercusion..

    now if we are talking about organized 'rioting' , that is bad , but not impossible , as we already saw in ferguson , where out of towner went to ferguson to have a loot party.

    1. There is nothing wrong with peaceful protests, but these protests don't fall under peaceful to me. Ok so some are not burning and looting, but watch the videos of the protestors just antagonizing the police some of whom were sent to make sure no one ran over the protestors.
      Also during the last round of looting was done by locals not people from out of town.

  6. There's probably some "organizing" being done, no doubt, there's always someone at the top which sees further out and how to make some money or increase power can be achieved by "manipulated" the crowd.....but at the same time, I think we are seeing more riots, protests,etc because of the growing wealth gap and the disappearance of the middle class in the USA. Some of these riots, protests,etc aren't really about race, they are about poverty, class barriers and the feeling that things won't change.

    Something I noticed living overseas and all my overseas travels, was the USA exception that people believed in the system, handwork would pay off, everybody is trying their best,etc....there was a sense of hope, that, "im poor today but I can make it here". I think more and more Americans are realizing that in the last 20? years this isn't true anymore.....more and more people are going to hit a class ceiling and fall way behind. So I expect to see more riots, more protests,etc in the future....

    1. at first i totally believed what you're saying Nico. but the vibe i'm getting now is that these protests aren't about the people anymore but are being steered in a political direction. that's concerning to me. if what you're saying is true and i believe it is then what you're going to see is real issues ignored, people "brought into a system that isn't working" and a continuation of all the problems that we're currently faced with.

      the saying that you never let a crisis go to waste CAN mean that you take the opportunity to get your trash together. unfortunately it appears that it means that anger and frustration will be used by those in power to increase it OR to manipulate the uninformed to the benefit of the leadership.

    2. College aged kids like to protest - any cause will do - and that's why you see white kids mixed in. Then there are the Sixties hippies reliving their youth (when not watching PBS fundraising shows.) Media loves controversy, so it's going to be covered, and that fuels the fire to some extent.

      The common thread between MI and NY is that the cops had a non-compliant subject, and no tools other than overwhelming force to deal with them. It's a sad situation, but if the victims complied with an order, nothing would have happened. All this said, I think that policing in the US needs a dramatic overhaul. They need better tactics and innovative non-lethal equipment, and more supervision by well trained and educated middle managers who are on the street with them, and not behind a desk. There can be thug cops too, and they need to be identified and weeded out early.

      Watch this Shields and Brooks segment from last night's NewsHour, and pay particular attention the what David Brooks says about policing at around the 10:00 mark (and Brooks is not a liberal.)

  7. The protest itself is not the problem, people do these kind of things in democratic countries whether it is spontaneous (smaller protest) or organized by certain groups (bigger protest like the union/labor protest).

    The scary part is this : if some nasty behind-the-scene organization (read : Foreign intelligence/covert) hijacked the peaceful protest , and initiate some violence against authorities while hiding behind the innocent protesters, that could spark a full blown riot that will snowball into anarchy in big cities..


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