Monday, January 12, 2015

AK-74 goes boom!


  1. Oops!

    Do those ship in cosmoline?

    Can you get 5.45mmx39mm in cheap quantity? Never priced well....I don't have something that shoots it ....

    1. Yes. About 20-25 cents a cartridge.

      It used to be like 9-10 cents over a decade ago, and 14 cents before the ban last spring. The magazines used to the 9-15 bucks a piece, now hover around the 25 mark. Sadly. And you can only buy bulgarian "browns" or "brick colored" ones at that price. Izhmash ones went down a bunch (about 35 a piece), prompting me to buy about 20 of them.

      Its still cheap to shoot, but not like it used to be, and is a pretty awesome cartridge in its own right. I consider them an adequate alternative to the AR. If you buy one, you will want a 7.62 AK too (many experience this "effect" inverse).

      Since they are rebuilds, like a overwhelming majority of AKs in the US, they aren't cosmoline shipped. Although perhaps somebody out there has got a parts kit that way (i have purchased many parts kits and built them, but haven't encountered cosmoline).

      I recommend Arsenal or Kvar. Centuries and Waffens are okay if you can see the gun and have a well-versed AK SME inspect it.

  2. Like many US 'made' AK's due to import restrictions this is a cobled together piece assembled from mismatched surplus parts.


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