Thursday, January 08, 2015

Another step in the pussification of the US Navy is under consideration.

For men, getting their head shaved on the first day of Navy boot camp has been a rite of passage for decades.
Women are also required to get first-day haircuts to ensure their hair is trimmed to regulation length, equal to the uniform collar.
But the days of these old traditions could be numbered.
Women taking part in a three-month pilot program at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes, Illinois, and Officer Training Command Newport, Rhode Island, will not be required to get their hair shorn. A similar move is being considered for men that, if adopted, would eliminate the decades-long ritual.
Just plain wow.

Shaving off hair is about more than bad fashion sense.  It deals with hygiene, removing a major "individual" item (haircuts remove a part of a persons past and they are then "reborn" when they graduate bootcamp) and to promote safety when operating weapons/moving over obstacles/during exercise...etc.

Are Navy officials serious?  Must everything die to accommodate
the new breed of Sailor no matter how idiotic the move is?

Call me a caveman but I don't think this is a smart move.  Its just another example of the pussification of the US Navy.